Chapter 247

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    "Shit," Tommy muttered as he watched the TV. "Look, the heroes don't know what they're in for. Sally's always got back up." Tommy said, looking at everyone. "Tommy, what are you implying?" Puffy asked, looking at Tommy sceptically. Tommy looked at Tubbo and then sighed.

    "I'm saying, we've got to go help them," Tommy said and Jack dropped the empty glass of milk he was carrying, shattering it onto the floor. "Tommy, you can't be serious!" Niki said, looking at him in shock, looking him up and down to prove her point. Tommy looked down at himself and groaned. "Oh. Right." He said, mentally facepalming.

    "And why help them? Tommy, you literally almost died. Not to mention they tried to execute Tubbo." Quackity said, his wings stiffening. Tommy nodded and tried to adjust himself into a more comfortable position. "Yeah, I'm not currently Phantom's biggest fan either, but I'm not saying it because of him," Tommy said, trying to reason with his friends.

    "Then why are you saying it?" Minx asked, crossing her arms and looking at Tommy sceptically. "Look, no kid deserves to go through the shit that madwoman is putting Fundy through." He said and Niki nodded, slowly understanding. "Even though Phantom and the rest of SBI messed up really badly, we're still vigilantes. And vigilantes do what's right." Tommy said, surveying his friends.

"We're not doing it for Phantom. We're doing it for Fundy."


    "Help?!" I said, taken aback and so were the other heroes, some of them lowering their arms slightly. She scoffed and the vigilante with a pirate hat shot her a stern look. "Look, we don't want to, but T... someone requested we do." She said, crossing her arms. "You're still a prick, but no kid deserves to go through... all the stuff she's putting that poor kid through." A vigilante with black demon horns said, stepping forward.

    "But... why?" Someone said from behind me and the vigilante with a pirate hat glanced back at the warehouse. "Look, we don't have much time, but Sally's almost always got back up. We're wasting time, come on!" She said, nodding at the vigilantes around her before rushing into the warehouse. "You heard her, let's go!" Blade said and everyone ran into their warehouse, ready to attack. "What..?" Ph1LzA muttered, slightly lowering his katana. There was no one there.

    "No, this can't be right..." I muttered, tears pricking my eyes again. "Search the area. She couldn't have gone far with him." The vigilante in the pirate hat said and the three vigilantes nodded, immediately scouring the warehouse. The heroes joined them in doing the same. I also started to search, not lowering my daggers for even a second.

    The warehouse was pretty big, about four times the size of an average warehouse. Bile rose up in my throat as I saw a cart filled with blood-stained weapons, but I pushed it down and kept on searching. After a while, I saw a sheet of wood pressed up against the wall. Curiosity and a small sense of dread emerged from me as I pulled the sheet away from the wall. 

   When I saw what the sheet of wood was hiding, I screamed. "What?!" Someone said as they rushed over. The vigilante with purple hair gasped as she saw what I was shakily staring at. "Uhm, Captain?" She said, not taking her eyes off what I was staring at as two people came over. Everything after that became blurry as I stared at what was revealed by removing the wood.

    "FUNDY!" I screamed, immediately rushing forward and scooping my dear son into my arms. "No, no, no!" I repeated, shaking my head furiously as I desperately searched him for any signs of life. His state was... terrible. There were blood stains and bruises covering him and the pink dress he was wearing was torn and ripped.

    Bile burned my throat as I looked at his lips and realised his lips had been sewn together and cut multiple times, causing literal chunks of his lips to be cut off. I realised there were sharp pieces of lack wire sticking out of random places in his lips as I tried to keep the bile down. My grip tightened around him as all I could hear was static and my vision was blurred by the tears which were pouring down my face.

    "F-Fundy?" I mumbled shakily, a shaky hand reaching up to gently cup his face. I listened closely as I pressed a hand against his chest, desperately searching for a heartbeat while looking at his slightly open eyes. I kept my eyes on his face, intensely searching for any sign he was alive. I noticed the warm trickle of crimson liquid which was pouring down the side of his face. My heart dropped slightly but I refused to think of that. I saw him flinch slightly and my heart raced. Could it be..?

    "Fundy?" I mumbled, gently pressing my hand against his cheek. He groaned slightly and then, miraculously, his eyes opened wider. He blinked a few times and then gasped, his eyes widening. "P-Papa?" He said shakily.

    "Fundy!" I exclaimed, tears of joy falling from my eyes. He gasped and then grinned weakly. "Papa!" He said excitedly, trying to hug me. I laughed and hugged him tighter. "My little champion," I murmured, relieved, happy, and exhausted. I had finally found my son. "P-Papa, it hurts so much..." He said, starting to cry.

    "Shh, baby. It'll be alright. I'll get you help, okay?" I said, trying to comfort him the best I could. His breath hitched and I looked at him. "F-Fundy?" I said, smiling weakly as I looked at his face. "Papa... remember t-the stories y-you used to tell me?" He said, starting to cough. My heart dropped as I realised he was coughing up blood. "Y-Yeah? What about them?" I said, trying my best to smile as I caressed his fragile body.

    "A-All of them had h-happy endings..." He mumbled, trying to keep his eyes open. I smiled and cupped his cheek. "They did. And you will have one too." I said, trying to keep the smile on my face. Now, his eyes weren't focusing on me anymore. They were going in and out of focus as he tried to form sentences. "You found me, Papa..." He said as a tear fell from his eye. I nodded, my throat becoming dry. "Of course I did..." I said, desperately trying not to cry any more than I already was.

    "Papa... is this my happy ending?" He said, fighting to keep his eyes open. I tried my best to smile. "Not yet. We're going to get you home, and..." I said, trailing off as I inspected his face, dread rising in me. His eyes were open... But they weren't moving. They were trained on me, but they weren't focused.

    "F-Fundy?" I said shakily, my heart sinking. "No..." I said shakily, trying not to believe it. I pressed the body of my precious son to my chest while tears poured from my eyes. I desperately searched for a heartbeat, but I found none. "FUNDY!" I screamed as my heart shattered.

And so I sat there crying, in an old warehouse as I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, clutching the dead body of my son to my chest.

Not all stories have a happy ending.


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