Chapter 215: Between Us

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A few hours later I woke up to the sounds of the city, the room still dark with nothing but the street lights flooding in through the curtains, leaving us both eerily in the shadows of what had happened.

I still didn't understand where this had come from, though apparently it had been brewing the entire time we were here. How could I be so blind? How could he keep this hidden from me for so long? After everything we had been through.

I forced myself to sit up, my eyes attempting to adjust to the minimal light, still stinging from the tears. My left hand now feeling significantly lighter as I suddenly caught a glimpse of the ring on Josh's end table, as if meant to taunt me.

I was finally ready, ready for a future with him, for a future together, and then suddenly he decided that that wasn't what he wanted anymore.

But the most terrifying thing, despite all of that, was he had still been willing to talk about a family together, something we had been actively trying for. What if something did happen? Would he have just backed out? Leaving me alone to deal with it? Or would he have gone the rest of our lives secretly wishing that nothing ever had.

I don't know which would be worse.

Our entire lives, never did it ever cross my mind that I would ever have to worry about him abandoning me. I had spent years dreaming of what a little version of him and I would look like.

But now I guess I would never know.

I carefully pushed the covers away, gently climbing out of bed, careful not to wake him. He was the last person I wanted to talk to right now, but I needed someone. I couldn't just sit within these feelings all by myself.

I grabbed my phone and my jacket, draping it around me as I made my way out onto our tiny balcony that overlooked the street.

I loved it out here, especially so late at night. It was quieter, but still the essence of the city lived on, sirens in the distance trickling in to remind you of the chaos that lied just after dawn. I couldn't imagine that anyone else was awake right now, but it was worth a try.

It only rang once.

"Well, good morning, Jaime." He said softly.  I could hear the smile in his voice, already making me feel better.
"Hi Sam." I sighed, unable to contain my grin. "What are you doing up?"
"I could ask you the same thing, though I guess the city never sleeps, huh?"
"Just needed some fresh air, I guess."
"Yeah, me too. So.. to what do I owe the pleasure? Are you calling to apologize for not inviting me to your graduation?" I couldn't help but laugh.
"You know I would've invited you if I could."
"I don't know about that.." He joked. "I heard there was an extra ticket, it just.. went to someone else." I stayed quiet, feeling my face get hot.

"I'm kidding, Jaime. You know I understand. I know you wanted him there." This didn't make me feel much better, now wondering what everyone else saw that I clearly didn't.
"Sam, can I talk to you about something?" I asked.
"I assume that's why you called, isn't it?" He teased. I was thankful for his ability to lighten the mood.

"Yes, but.. I need this to stay between us."
"Like many other things." He giggled to himself. I couldn't help but smile, remembering our kiss. Purely innocent, but still so sweet.
"Yes, like many other things."
"Alright, alright, so what is it?" I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to start crying again but it was inevitable. He could already sense it.

"Jaime?" He asked, his voice softer. I took a deep breath, wiping my eyes.
"Josh broke off our engagement." I finally said, never thinking that I would ever have to say those words. They lingered in the air for a moment, both of us embracing the silence for how heavy it really was.

"Are you okay?" He finally asked. I shook my head, taking another deep breath.
"No." I muttered. There was nothing else to it. I wasn't, and I didn't know if I ever would be again.
"Do you want me to come out there?" He said, his voice much more serious. I couldn't help but smile.
"No." I sighed. "We're.. we're coming home tomorrow morning, but.. thank you."
"Is there anything I can do?" I bit down on my lip, thinking for a moment.
"Please don't tell Jake. I just.. I need to be alone right now, and.. if he knew-"
"Okay." He said simply, understanding more than anybody, considering what had gone on over the past year.

"I'm sure that Josh will tell him eventually, but.. until then I just.. I need it to just be me.. alone."
"Well, you don't have to be completely alone, Jaime. I'm here for you if you need me."
"Thank you." I whispered, wiping my eyes again.
"And.. please don't let my little.. mishap deter you from coming to me.. as a friend. I mean it, I'm okay." He laughed. I sighed, already feeling like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
"Okay Sam." I could hear him laughing again.
"I mean it!"
"I don't know, that kiss was pretty convincing." I said softly, not wanting to risk anyone else hearing.
"Oh my god, shut up, Jaime. You probably liked it." He giggled.

I felt better already.

"Whatever you want to tell yourself." I sighed. He was quiet again for a moment.
"Are you gonna be okay to drive home tomorrow?"
"I guess I'm gonna have to be." I muttered, knowing it was going to be the longest, and probably the quietest twelve hours of my life.
"Well, feel free to call me." He said. I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Right. Okay." My cheeks burned at the sound of his laughter again.

"Well, all jokes aside, you know I'm always here for you, right?" He asked, his voice now that much more serious.
"I know. Thank you."
"On that note, do you have any good news to share with me?" I could already hear the excitement in his voice. Someone had to have told him already, but I appreciated the fact that he still gave me my moment to tell him too.

"My screenplay is being made into a movie." I said, feeling my chest start to swell again, but this time for a different reason. They were happy tears now, and despite everything, at least I still had this. I don't know what I would've done if I had lost that and Josh all at once. He let out a loud "Wooo!" surely too loud for this time of night, but I appreciated the gesture nonetheless.

"It was because of the camera I got you, right?"
"You know that's not how this works." I laughed.
"Are you telling me you still haven't used it?!" He yelled again. I could already picture the neighborhood, scowling out their windows, looking to see who was making so much noise, only to be overcome with annoyance once they realized it was only Sam.

"Of course I've used it. It's been a huge help. Thank you."
"Are you finally gonna show me stuff you've made with it?" He pried.
"Yes." I said, knowing that after everything I owed him that much. "I'll show you everything."
"I can't wait. So, what's this movie gonna be about?" My stomach dropped.

"Um, I.. I can show you when I get home."
"Come on, you can't just give me a quick synopsis now?" I could already feel my heart beating faster at the thought. I hadn't even told Josh yet, knowing it would turn into an argument.

Though, I guess that didn't really matter anymore.
But it would definitely make things worse.

"I'll show you when I get home." I said again.
"Alright, alright. So serious, what a true New Yorker you are now." He laughed.
"I don't think I'll ever be a true New Yorker." I sighed, knowing that deep down, my heart would always belong to Michigan.
"Come on!" He yelled, in his horrible New York accent. "I'm walkin' here!" I couldn't help but laugh, turning down the volume on my phone again.
"Funny enough, not a single person has said that to me since I've been here."
"That city has really gone to the dogs, huh?"
"I guess so."

"Alright, well.. I should probably try to get some sleep. With everyone out to see you, I've been left in charge of making sure the house is ready for your party." The party. I had already forgotten. And now we were expected to celebrate together with everyone like nothing was wrong?

The last thing I wanted to do was celebrate.

"Well, I appreciate that. Make it nice for me. You know how I like everything."
"Yes, your majesty." He joked.
"Alright, alright.. I'll see you soon, Sam."
"Can't wait." He said simply, but it was sincere enough to potentially get me through the night, knowing I had someone at home waiting for me that could make me feel normal again.

"I can't wait to see you too."
"Okay, goodnight Jaime." He laughed. My heart jumped.
"Goodnight Sam."

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