Chapter 245: Ready for Me

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I was thankful for the time alone my mom allowed before she would typically stick her head in the door to check on things. I knew eventually I would have to tell her, and I wanted to, but I just needed a minute to process everything first, and I was happy that I at least had Sam here as whatever kind of support I needed.

He lied close to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as I cuddled my face into his chest, his fingers gliding up and down my back, so gentle I was now seconds away from drifting off to sleep.

"So, if you had ever considered this.." He said softly. I shook my head, smirking up at him.
"We're not doing this, Sam." He rolled his eyes, smiling back down at me.
"Alright." He sighed, his fingers now carefully moving up and down my arm. I felt my heart beat faster as I cuddled closer.
"Alright.. fine, what were you gonna say?" I asked, him now peaking my curiosity. I felt his reluctance in his quiet giggle.

"I was gonna say.. if you had ever considered this, well.. how would you have liked me to ask you?" I peeked back up at him, biting down on my lip, knowing this wasn't a good idea. I knew how Sam felt, he had made it clear numerous times, and something like this only felt like I would be teasing him, dangling the idea of us over his head when I knew it was something that was never going to happen.

"I'm sure whatever you would have thought of would have been great." I finally managed. He nodded, understanding my being closed off to this.
"You know I'm a little too.. preoccupied to be thinking about dating other guys right now." I laughed. "Considering my condition." He nodded.
"Yeah, well, I guess I just figured.. if you were gonna be picking who's it was, I might as well throw my hat in the ring." I playfully shoved him, shooting him a look; only he could ever get away with joking with me like that.

"You know it's not as simple as that." I finally muttered, pushing myself up to face him. He nodded, staring back at me with dazed eyes as he gently brushed the hair out of my face.
"I think that.. you need to be honest with Jake." He said. "He would make it work, I know he would, whatever it took, I just think that.. it's not fair for them not to know the truth. The both of them, and.. your kid deserves to know who their real father is too."

My heart sunk.
He was right.
And I knew it.

I was so lucky to have had my dad for as long as I did; he was the best dad in the world, and I was so happy that my baby would get to say the same thing. A fear that had lingered over me almost my entire life, I was always terrified of picking the wrong one.

But I guess the universe decided to pick for me.
Or so I'll tell myself.
And I was happy with its decision.

But before I could say anything, I heard my phone vibrating across my end table. Looking over, my heart dropped when I saw Jake's name pop up with a photo of the two of us across the screen. I felt my cheeks burn, catching Sam's quick jaw clench before looking away. Reaching over, I grabbed it, instantly answering.

"Hello Jaime!" He sang, much more cheerful than I was used to.
"Well, someone sounds happy."
"I'm talking to you, of course I'm happy." He giggled. "So what are you up to? I need to see you."

Part of me felt embarrassed that Sam was here listening in on what was typically only meant for the two of us, more so Jake, who never let anyone else hear him like this, but I could tell Sam was trying his hardest to ignore it. How well that was working was another story. I peeked over at him, giving him questioning eyes. He nodded, letting out a deep sigh before pushing himself out of the bed, but I quickly reached over, grabbing his hand.
"Don't go yet." I mouthed to him. He stopped, holding his stare on me, nodding.

"When are you gonna come see me then?" I asked. I heard him giggle again, only making me wonder what could possibly be going on for him to be in such a good mood. Maybe this would make this conversation easier, despite knowing I had no idea what I was going to say when I saw him again.
"Oh, as soon as possible." He said. "I'm on my way home now, but I can come to you."
"Okay, the front door is open, you can just come on up."
"Oh, already ready for me, huh?" He joked. I quickly avoided Sam's eyes, my face now feeling like it was on fire.

"Alright, alright, just get here."
"Yes ma'am." He laughed. "I love you, Jaime." My heart jumped.
"And I love you. See you soon." I said, hanging up, knowing how he always refused to first. I eventually brought my attention back to Sam who was already looking towards the door.

"Sorry." I muttered. He shrugged.
"You have no reason to be."
"Sure I do." I said softly. He knew what I meant.
"Well, it is what it is." He sighed. "Let me know if you need anything, okay?"
"Okay." He held his stare on me for a moment, lingering in the doorway.

"Do you want me to walk you out?" I asked. He nodded, trying his best to contain his smile.
"Yes, but.. I don't want you to have to get up. It's okay." I sighed, playfully rolling my eyes as I pushed myself out of bed, going over and grabbing his hand as I lead us downstairs and out the back door towards his house. He stayed quiet, gently swinging our hands until we reached their back steps to which he still held on, turning to face me.

"Everything's gonna be okay." He said, reaching over, tucking my hair behind my ear. I felt my cheeks burn as his hand brushed against my cheek, a smile escaping my lips.
"Thank you for being there." I said, moving in closer. He shrugged, his smile growing.
"You know I'll always be there for you." I nodded, trying my best to ignore the pang of guilt in my gut.
"I know."
"And.. no matter what happens, just.. call me later, so I know you're okay."
"Okay." He hesitated for a moment, his eyes quickly shooting down to my lips, before letting out a deep sigh and going inside, carefully shutting the door behind him.

I lingered for a moment, still trying to process what was happening, but I knew that any moment Jake would be speeding down the road and into my driveway, and if I wasn't already in my bedroom he was bound to be suspicious of something, but more than likely the wrong something.

On top of trying to process the fact that the test had finally come back positive, now I was faced with this new Sam that I had never experienced before. Or maybe it wasn't new. Maybe he had been there the whole time and I had just been too blinded to see it, or.. maybe even, I didn't want to see it, as if everything wasn't complicated enough.

But either way, it was too late for that. And I couldn't let myself get wrapped up in him when I still had no idea what I was going to tell Jake, if I was going to tell him at all. Right now, at least. He was in such a good mood, and for all I knew this was just going to complicate things. After the past few months, he deserved to have something worth getting excited a about, and from what it sounded like, he had found it.

This could wait, right?

And then I could hear the screeching of his tires from down the road. I quickly made my way across the lawn, now waiting for him on the front steps, but I didn't have to wait long before his car came barreling into the driveway, coming to a quick halt before his door swung open and I was met with his beaming grin and gigantic bouquet of pink flowers.

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