Chapter 227: When We Were Alone

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Jake's P.O.V

As I pulled into the parking lot, I couldn't help but think about the last time Jaime and I were here to pick up her mom. I hated that this was just another reason to bring her back here, as if she hadn't been through enough, and now the thought of her losing someone else she loves.

It made my stomach turn just thinking about it.
Someone she loves.

I would be stupid to think that anything had really changed between them, not this quickly anyway. They were engaged, they had been living together for months, having been more serious together than any of us had ever been with any of our significant others.

The only people who truly knew the depths of their relationship were the two of them.

And then for a split second, I couldn't help but think about how easily this could have been me. I didn't remember much from New Year's Eve, but I remembered that. I remembered her, refusing to let me leave, even if it meant teasing me with an inkling of hope that anything could happen between us.

That night could've changed everything.
And it did.
For me at least.

Because of her, I was still alive. And being alive to at least see her, even if she wasn't mine, was better than the alternative. And because of that, I owed her everything in return, and if she'd let me, I'd do whatever it took to give that to her.

When I got inside, I quickly made my way down the hall, closely following the directions that Sam had texted me. At least last time I had Jaime who seemed to know this place inside and out.

How badly I wished she could get lost too.

Finally, I saw him and Danny standing at the end of the hall. They instantly noticed my confused expression, flashing me a timid grin.
"What are you doing out here?" I asked, peeking in through the window of the door. "Is this his room? How is he? Is he okay? Where's Jaime?" Sam shot Danny a look, to which he returned with a reassuring nod.

"He's okay. Jaime.. she's inside. We were just.. giving them a minute.. alone." My heart sunk, instantly pushing the door open and making my way in. When I got to his bed, I pulled back the curtain to see the both of them asleep. They looked so peaceful; her arm tightly wrapped around his stomach, her face nuzzled into his neck, his hand in her hair, holding her close.

It appeared to be muscle memory; feeling like I was now intruding in on how every night was spent between them over the past few months.

I stayed silent, wanting nothing more than to pull her out of that bed, but I couldn't bring myself to move. They fit so perfectly together, their limbs intertwined, connected like each other's missing puzzle pieces.

At least he was okay, because it would be hard to kill him for sleeping with my girlfriend if he wasn't. I quickly shook the thought, smiling to myself. She wasn't even my girlfriend. I didn't even know what I was to her anymore. I just knew that I was willing to be whatever she wanted me to be and that's what hurt the most.

No matter what I said, if all she wanted was for me to be her play thing after all, I knew that I would cave. Because at least it was something. At least we were something, and I would take whatever she gave me, no matter what that meant.

Despite what she said, I still felt.. used, like what we had done was just something to get out of her system. But I never saw her that way. I know she had seen the way I was with girls over the years, and maybe with them it didn't mean anything, but with her.. with her it meant everything, and every time we were together, it made it that much harder for me to have to let her go. Not like I had a choice, but every time she ran off with him, I was left with that much less of myself, knowing she'd have a hold on me for the rest of my life.

I just don't understand how I could be good enough for that, but not enough to actually be with me. If this was my karma for how I had been with girls over the years, then so be it. I deserved it. But I was different now. I had changed. For her.

I carefully pulled my chair over to her side of the bed, reaching up, gently brushing the hair out of her face. She was just.. so beautiful. How easy it was to get lost in daydreams of her, of us and what our family could be like one day. If Thanksgiving was any indication, it would come so effortlessly for us, and I would do everything and anything, because her giving me that would be more than enough. But I wouldn't want to put them down regardless, never once wanting to distance myself from the perfect combination of the two of us.

Finally, she slowly started to open her eyes, pushing herself up, and looking around the room until her tires gaze landed on me. I felt my cheeks burn as her lips curled into a gentle smile, reaching out for me, gently touching my cheek.
"He's okay." She whispered, and instantly I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. This wasn't something she was hiding from me, making me wonder if I was just overthinking us again.
"Good." I sighed, leaning in, gently kissing her forehead. Her smile grew as she reached over for my hand, squeezing it tightly.

We could talk about all of this later.
When we were alone.

Jaime's P.O.V

I was woken up to the feeling of someone's hand against my face, gently combing their fingers through my hair. Forcing my eyes open, my lips instinctively curled into a relieved grin, reaching over for Jake, gently touching his cheek.

"He's okay." I whispered, the only thing I could manage that I thought would make him feel somewhat better.
"Good." He sighed, leaning in, gently kissing my forehead. My smile grew as I reached over, grabbing his hand, squeezing it tightly, just thankful that he was here with me too.

I knew how this looked, but.. this was different, and it seemed like he understood that. Because the last thing I wanted was him overthinking anything that just happened, assuming that it didn't mean as much as it really did.

But Josh was my fiancé.
And that doesn't just.. go away.

"You wanna.. come over here?" Jake asked, trying his best to stay quiet, motioning to the chair next to him. "Or.. you can sit here with me." He giggled, gently patting his lap. I smirked back at him, feeling my cheeks burn.
"We can save that for later." I whispered. He nodded, his eyes instantly lighting up. I pushed myself out of bed, careful not to wake Josh, before going over and leaning into a gentle kiss. Jake didn't hesitate to reach up, gently caressing my face, kissing me back.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded, giving him a gentle smile, thankful to have someone who would always look out for me too.
"I'm okay." I assured him. "But.. I'm gonna go get them. They've waited long enough." He nodded, giggling to himself.

I made my way over to the door, peeking my head out to see the two of them leaning up against the wall, talking amongst each other. Danny was the first to notice, nudging Sam and motioning over to me.

"You guys wanna come see him?" I asked. Sam quickly turned around, flashing me a smile as he quickly came over.
"Well, you seem to be doing okay so, I can assume he's fine." He said softly. I nodded, moving out of the way to let them both in, thankful to be surrounded by those in which I had always considered family, especially at a time like this.

I couldn't help but smile, hearing that Josh had finally woken up, his gentle laughter filling the room as Sam mocked his new cast, followed by his sincere concerns disguised as playful jokes. The whole drive here I could tell Sam was a nervous wreck, so it was nice to hear that weight be lifted from his shoulders too.

It was terrifying for all of us, knowing that in an instant, all of our lives could have changed forever.

I hung back in the doorway, letting the four of them have their moment together. For the longest time, it had always been the four of them, and over this past year, I couldn't help but feel like I had begun to intrude in this life they had created together, until Jake finally looked over, holding his stare on me for a moment before finally coming over and grabbing my hand.

When he held me, I felt like I was suddenly a part of this magical thing they had all created too, something I had wanted my entire life; just to feel like I belonged.
"Come on.." He whispered into my ear. "I wanna talk to you about something."

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