Chapter 241: Hoping

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Later That Night

Everyone made their way back to their house for another one of their infamous "after show" parties that were always notorious for people dropping where they may, confused as to how they got there come the morning.

I couldn't say that I didn't miss it, but after these past few days, even just the smell of alcohol made my stomach turn. If I was getting sick, I hoped it would make its way through before I had to leave again to start shooting, but even more so, I hoped I didn't get Jake sick while things seemed to be picking back up for him again.

But I couldn't help but smile at the thought; he was always such a baby when he got sick, claiming his spot on the couch for the next few days, crying to everyone around him to refill his water and bring him whatever snacks he was craving. I patiently awaited the day where everyone at home was busy, so maybe he'd considering calling me to take care of him.

Maybe him getting sick wouldn't be so bad after all.

"So, be honest. How was I?" He asked, moving closer to me. My cheeks burned at the feeling of his fingers gently brushing against my skin, slowing making their way up and down my arm. He stared at me with that familiar dazed look, the one that was meant for me and only me, and until recently, for when we were alone.

I knew if he wanted to, it wouldn't take much convincing to get me alone tonight.

"You were great." I sighed, turning to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck, getting lost within that same gaze I had caught myself in one too many times. His smile grew as he playfully rolled is eyes, looking back out at the party. He then reached over across the table, grabbing two wine glasses and began to fill one of them.

"Oh, none for me." I said. He shot me a look.
"None for you? Since when?" He laughed. I shrugged.
"Just.. not feeling up to it." He was quiet.
"You okay?" I nodded, returning him with a reassuring smile.
"Yeah, it's just.. I'm okay." He held his stare on me for a moment before finally filling his own glass, taking a big sip.

"So.. you're sure I was okay?" I nodded, thankful for him changing the subject.
"You were more than okay. I said you were great." I laughed, leaning into a long kiss. He reached up, gently caressing my face. My heart instantly jumped at his touch.
"Thank you, Jaime."
"Though.. it was a little sad." I muttered. He nodded, letting out a deep sigh.
"But.. that's in the past now." He said softly, his eyes moving back down to my lips. I leaned in again, kissing him harder.

"I'm so sorry I ever made you feel like that, I never meant-"
"I know." He assured me, forcing a smile. "It's okay."
"I love you." I sighed, reaching up, gently running my fingers through his hair.
"I love you more, Jaime." I shook my head, giggling to myself.

"Tonight is my night, you have to let me have this one." He said softly, his smile growing into a teasing grin. I rolled my eyes, trying my best to contain my smile.
"Fine. But only tonight."

It didn't take long for the empty bottles to start piling up alongside the bodies that were too drunk to stand. It was funny seeing it from a sober point of view, wondering how many times I had made a complete fool out of myself, thankful that everyone else was also too drunk to remember.

"I should start cleaning up." Jake groaned, giggling to himself as he began grabbing whatever bottles he saw, tossing them into a garbage bag.
"You shouldn't have to clean up your own party." I laughed, taking the bag away from him. He smirked back, but didn't fight me on it.
"I'm so happy you're here." He said softly, following me around as I cleaned up the rest of the yard.
"So am I." I said, smiling back up at him, only to realize his eyes we much clearer than I anticipated.

After filling the bag, I brought it out back where he followed closely, grabbing my waist and turning me around to face him after tossing it in the trash.
"Are you drunk?" I asked, gently brushing the hair out of is face. He shook his head, keeping his eyes locked on mine.
"No." He sighed. "I'm alright. I.. I just.. I wanted a night with you that I'll always remember." My heart jumped.
"You know, I've remembered every night I've ever spent with you." I said, now wrapping my arms around his neck. His smile grew, now leaning into a long kiss.

"Come on, we deserve a much nicer night than this." He laughed, motioning over to the garbage before guiding me inside and up to his bedroom.

A Few Days Later

Between Jake being in talks with the record label again about a second chance as a solo artist, and Josh and I having decided that some time apart could do us some good, especially if we were going to be working together on the movie, I couldn't deny that it had gotten lonely.

This was for the best, and I knew if Jake was going to make something of this, now was the time to put in the work, and no matter what happened, I'd always be here waiting for him.

But when my phone rang, I couldn't say I wasn't somewhat relieved. I answered immediately.
"Hi Sam." I laughed, plopping down on my bed.
"Why, hello Jaime. What are you up to today?"

I was quiet for a moment, still not having felt good in the past few days, something that I was sure would have passed by now. There was something that lingered in the back of my mind, but I had repressed it a long time ago when it started to feel hopeless, and the last thing I wanted to do was get upset all over again when I inevitably saw that one line when I so desperately prayed for two.

"Um.. I don't think I'm doing anything. I.. I haven't really heard from Jake, so.. I'm not sure what he's doing, so.. I guess I don't really have plans." I said. "What about you?"
"I was hoping that was the case." He laughed. "So maybe, before you leave, you and I could spend some time together."

I tried my best to contain my smile, remembering how much fun the two of us had together, at least before everything had happened. I hoped that maybe we could still spend time together as friends without anything becoming.. too complicated.

"Now that you mention it.." I said, already feeling my heart start to beat faster. "I.. I was thinking of heading up to the store today, do you.. well, I mean.. maybe.. would you want to come with me?" I heard him giggling again.
"Not exactly what I had in mind, but.. sure. Whatever you want to do."
"We can get lunch after, my treat." I said, feeling my cheeks burn.
"I like the sound of that." He said cheerfully. "But that's okay. We still haven't celebrated you, so.. I can treat. But only if you drive."
"We had a whole party for me, what are you talking about?"
"Yeah, yeah." He laughed. "But we didn't get to celebrate you."

"Well, I can be ready in about ten minutes if that works for you?" I asked.
"Only ten minutes huh? Not trying to get dressed up for me?" He joked.
"Alright, alright. Well, I'm ready now, so I'll be outside waiting for you."
"Alright, I'm hanging up now."
"See you soon, Jaime!" He sang, hanging up first.

I playfully rolled my eyes, tossing my phone back down onto the bed as I quickly got changed, packing my bag and heading downstairs where I saw him patiently waiting on their front porch. When he heard my door shut behind me, he flashed me a toothy grin and made his way over, beating me to the car where he opened the door for me. I shot him a look to which he rolled his eyes, motioning for me to get in. I held my stare on him for a moment before hopping into the driver's seat, catching him smirking at me before gently shutting the door behind me.

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