Chapter 246: Perfect

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Jake's P.O.V

I thought about the last time I stepped foot through these doors; as far as I was concerned, my whole life was about to change, and for the most part, it did.

I had finally gotten a taste of life on the road and I knew from that day forward there was no going back. This was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. This was what I was meant to do, and maybe it wasn't meant to be that tour, but I knew that I belonged on stage. It was where I felt the most alive, and something like that was worth fighting for.

And if I ever got another chance at it, I swore I wouldn't let anything come in the way of it ever again.

But this time things were different. This time, it was just me. And I would be insane to think that I was good enough by myself for them to take a chance on me, but I needed to try. And who knows, maybe.. the guys would consider helping me again. We had been great together, but I knew that Josh's heart wasn't entirely in it. At least, not as much as mine was. And considering what had happened over the past few months, I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to help me.

I wouldn't help me either.
But he was so much better than me.
In so many ways.

I took a deep breath before finally forcing myself out of the car and into the building, knowing exactly where to go, having memorized every inch of it the first time we were here. I had dreamt about that moment my entire life, and it was finally happening. My eyes barely able to focus on the contract before I frantically signed, not caring what it entailed. I just knew that I would have done whatever it took for a chance, and they were finally giving it to me.

I just hoped they'd be willing to take a chance on me again.

As I made my way over to the front desk, the woman sitting behind it flashed me a welcoming smile. That had to be a good sign, right?
"Hi, my name is-"
"Jake? We've been expecting you." She said cheerfully.
"O-oh, great, okay."
"Right that way." She motioned to the door to her left, her smile growing. I gave her a thankful nod, reluctantly following her direction, making my way down the hallway as my heart started to pound. This whole experience was way less nerve-wracking with the rest of the guys here with me. I was starting to think that doing this by myself wasn't the best idea.

When I finally reached the door at the end, I hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath before turning the knob and peeking my head inside where I was met with a man turned around at his desk, his back facing me.
"Alright, I'll have to call you back, my two o'clock is here." He said sternly, turning to face me as he hung up the phone.
"Jake?" He asked. I nodded, making my way in, shutting the door behind me.
"That's me." I said, as confidently as I could manage, reaching my hand out to shake his, praying that it wasn't sweating too badly. He shook it sternly, motioning for me to sit down.

I did what I was told.

"So, I have to say, I'm pretty surprised to hear from you again, you know, considering what happened." He said, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his chair. I nodded, letting out a deep sigh.
"I know. I'm really sorry about that, I just-"
"That's not typically something we condone, but.. between you and me, I can't stand that guy." He laughed. I instantly felt the weight lift from my shoulders.
"Yeah, he um.. he was making my girlfriend uncomfortable." He nodded.
"He makes a lot of people uncomfortable." He agreed. "So.. what did you want to talk to me about?"

My heart started racing. Now was my time to plead my case. I could only hope that I could do myself justice.

"I.. I wanted to talk to you about.. giving me another chance. I understand why we were kicked off the tour, but.. that's not me. I know I have so much more to offer, and.. my time was cut short but.. if you gave me another chance, I swear to you-"
"Where's the rest of your band?" He asked. My stomach dropped.
"Well, that's.. that's another thing." I muttered. "I.. I was wondering if.. we could possibly discuss.. a solo deal." He was quiet for a moment, his face dropping into an unamused frown.

"A solo deal." He repeated. "Solo meaning.. you." I nodded, now sensing his resistance.
"I play, I write, I-"
"Do you sing?"
"I.. I can." He was quiet again. I felt like I was going to be sick.

"The thing is, we loved the idea of all of you. We signed all of you because we loved what your band brought to the table. Now.. don't get me wrong, you're an incredible guitar player, there's no taking that away from you. But.. we're just not in the market for solo acts right now, so.. if all you can offer me is you, I'm afraid I just can't-"
"I can get them all." I blurted out, feeling everything slipping between my fingers. His eyes instantly lit up.

"You can?" He asked.
"If that's what it takes, then.. yes. I.. I can get them." He held his stare on me for a moment, assessing. I wouldn't be surprised if he could see my heart beating through my shirt.
"Alright, how about this.. I'll consider renewing your contact, as a band, if you can get the rest of your guys down here by tonight. We can talk through the details, and what will be expected of you all moving forward. But until then-"
"That's no problem. I can do that. I.. I'll call them right now. As soon as I leave." I said, now hearing the shaking in my voice. His smile grew as he stood up, reaching his hand out for me.

"Well, then alright. I look forward to seeing you tonight then." I stood up, flashing him a toothy grin, giving him a stern shake.
"Thank you. You won't regret it."
"I better not." He laughed, now motioning for the door. I nodded, giggling to myself as I made my way out, shutting it behind me.

I couldn't believe that just happened.
I did it.
I really did it.

Well.. almost.

I quickly made my way down the hall, giving the receptionist a quick wave before heading back out through the parking lot and back into my car, letting out a bellowing scream of relief as I slammed the door behind me, tightly clutching the wheel.

And then I realized what this meant.
I wasn't worried so much about Sam and Danny.
But how the hell was I going to get Josh to agree to this?

All I knew was that I had to talk to Jaime, because without her, none of this would be happening right now. She was the one who pushed me to do this, and she was the first person I wanted to tell, and I knew out of anyone, she would know how to handle this.

But first.. she deserved something special.

Jaime's P.O.V

"What are these for?" I asked, unable to contain my beaming grin. "They're beauti-" He cut me off, pulling me into a passionate kiss, and in an instant it felt like I was melting right through his fingertips.

Oh, how I loved him.

When he finally moved away, he handed over the bouquet; beauteous, baby pink peonies, packed together like the softest billowy bunch of cotton candy. I could already feel the tears starting to flood my eyes, remembering how many times he had promised me that the only tears he would ever make me cry would happy ones, and how beautiful life was going to be..with the three of us.

"Jaime, Jaime, Jaime.." He sighed, his eyes falling into a lovestruck daze. I would never get tired of him looking at me like this, praying he would do so forever. All I truly wanted was forever with him.

"Now.. what are these for?" I asked again, bringing them up to my face, taking in the intoxicatingly sweet aroma, the light pink petals now making me fantasize of the day we went and picked out paint swatches for the spare bedroom.

And how I've always dreamed of a pink nursery.

"They're for you, because without you, none of this would have been possible. And without you.. I just.. I am ready for this now, Jaime. And I am so excited for the future, because.. now it's us, just like I always wanted." He said, the intensity in his eyes growing stronger, making my heart beat faster.

What was he talking about?
Did he know?
No. How could he possibly know?
There was no way.

"Jake, what are you-"
"I got the deal, Jaime. But.. not just me. They want.. all of us. I need the band. So.. if I could get them all to agree to this, then.. it's happening. It's really happening again, and.. then I'll show you. I can do this for us and everything is going to be perfect."

My heart dropped.
He was leaving again.

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