Chapter 249: Worst Case Scenario

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And then I was alone.

All I wanted was to tell him, to get to be with him and celebrate this because it was worth celebrating. Despite how terrified I was, I was still excited and I couldn't wait for his reaction too. Sam was right, we could make it work, he would make it work, no matter what that meant.

He would come home with the record deal and then.. everything would be perfect. I was going to do everything in my power to make it perfect.

Jake's P.O.V

How was I supposed to go through with this now?

Whether Jaime wanted to admit it or not, she was pregnant, with Josh's baby, and I was expected to ask him, or rather, beg him to be in the band again? The odds of him agreeing to this were slim to none to begin with, but as soon as he found out about Jaime I knew there would be no way he'd ever leave her side again.

How did I manage to lose everything in a matter of minutes.

This was one of the biggest moments of my life, and I could barely think straight, unable to get those two lines out of my mind. And despite it all, I was still happy for her. I knew how badly she wanted this, and after everything she had gone through, I was happy that her mom would at least get to meet her family.

I just wish it could've been ours.

As I made my way inside, I saw Sam sitting at the dining room table, his head instantly shooting up at the sound of the door.
"Hey.." He said. "W-where were you?"
"Jaime's." I said, more bluntly than I intended, but at this point I couldn't hide it anymore. It was taking everything in me just to keep it together.

"Oh.." He said softly, as if now picking his words carefully. "Is.. everything okay?" I shrugged, avoiding his eyes as I went into the fridge, grabbing a drink.
"Fine." I sighed. "Just probably the worst possible thing that could happen." His face instantly dropped.
"W-what do you mean? What.. what did you guys.. talk about?" He asked. I shook my head, taking a big sip.

I knew I couldn't talk about it.
Not yet.
Maybe not ever.

"Nothing. It doesn't matter anyway. What's done is done." I muttered, now going over and sitting down across from him. "But.. there's something I need to ask you."
"What is it?"
"I went down to the label today and.. they said they'd give us another chance, so.. I need you. And Danny. And.. Josh. Or else I'm done. They don't want me, they want all of us. So.. if you could get Danny-"
"I don't think that'd be a problem." He laughed. I nodded, a smile finally escaping my lips.
"But.. isn't Josh-"

Even just his name hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't know why it was all sinking in now. They had been engaged. I knew they had been trying already, but there was just something about seeing those two lines that finally made it all real. He was going to be a father, and I would be left with nothing.

"I need him." I said, avoiding his eyes, bringing my attention to meticulously peeling the label off of the bottle. He was quiet again, making me wonder what was going on with him.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He finally asked. I sighed, shrugging my shoulders.
"No, but.. I have to be. This is my last chance and I can't let anything else ruin it."
"W-what do you mean.. anything else?"
"Forget it."
"What did you and Jaime talk about?" He asked again, his voice much more serious. I looked back over at him, giving him a questioning look. He held his stare on me, much more intense than I was used to from him.

What did he know?

"We talked about enough." I muttered. "And I'd rather not think about it anymore."
"But.. I'm sure it's okay. I.. I thought.. well, I thought you'd be happy-"
"Happy?" I snapped, feeling my heart beat faster. Did he know? He shrugged, his face dropping.

"Why the hell would I be happy about that? It's ruined everything. Everything was perfect and then this happens and-"
"Jake.. this is.. everything she's ever wanted."
"Well, what about what I want? Doesn't that matter?"
"You didn't say this to her.. did you?" He asked, his voice getting angrier.
"Do you know something I don't, Sam?" I snapped, feeling the tears come to my eyes again. I quickly wiped them away. He hesitated before finally nodding.

"She asked me to be there for her."
"She asked you? Why would she ask you?"
"Because she was terrified of this! How could you be so.. selfish? She was so excited and.. you're just going to ruin this-"
"Everything was already ruined!" I yelled. "I just wanted it to be us and now-"
"Forget it!" He snapped, pushing himself up from the table. "You don't even deserve her."

I watched as he made his way across the kitchen, heading towards the door.
"Where are you going?" I shouted after him. He kept going, keeping his eyes forward.
"To make sure she's okay. But don't worry, I'll call Danny and we'll make sure you get everything that you want."

Sam's P.O.V

I couldn't believe he was acting like this. She was so excited for them, and he had to go and ruin it by being.. so selfish. They were going to have a family and all he was focused on was this stupid record deal, that we might not even get.

We had gotten our shot, and he blew it. What made him think that this time was going to be any different? Why couldn't he just be grateful for what he had with her? While the rest of us only dreamt of having something as real as they did.

I could only imagine what she must be going through right now for him to storm off the way he did; I hated myself for not being there, and I hoped she knew that if she ever needed me, no matter what for, I would always be there for her.

Sam: hey

I didn't want to say anything too obvious, just incase she wanted it to stay between them, but I knew enough, and she had to know that she could talk to me.

Jaime: hey
Jaime: did jake talk to you yet?

My heart dropped. Of course, she couldn't go five seconds without bringing him up. The fact that he could act like that about something as amazing as this, and even still, she only thought about him.

It wasn't fair.

Sam: yeah we talked.
Sam: are you okay?
Jaime: yeah, I'm okay.
Jaime: I'm gonna talk to him later and everything will be okay.
Jaime: are you going with him?

What would talking to him do? I'm sure he had already said enough. She deserved someone who would be happy for her, for them. Maybe she was right, maybe she should've just told Josh. He would have at least been happy. He would have been there for her instead of just running out on her.

Sam: yeah. we just need to talk to Josh.
Sam: whatever happened with Jake, I need you to know that if you ever need anything. I'll always be there for you. no matter what.
Jaime: thank you <3 but I'm sure later he'll be okay.

I hoped she was right.

Jaime: let me know how everything goes. I know Jakes nervous so he's probably getting worked up. just be patient with him lol he just really wants this to work out.

How lucky he was to have someone like her.
Especially at a time like this.

Sam: don't worry lol I will.
Sam: I can't speak for the others though
Jaime: just please make sure he's okay.
Jaime: this means everything to him.
Jaime: and I just want everything to go well tonight.

She wouldn't have to worry about that if she was with me.

Sam: I'm sure everything will be fine :)

I stared at the screen, going back and forth between typing and erasing, not wanting to push anything too far, but needing her to know that worst case scenario.. she had options. I took a deep breath, finally pressing send.

Sam: no matter what, you'll always have me. <3
Sam: and I love baby shopping lol

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