4.) Sorting: Dracos POV

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We made it to school and headed to the Great Hall. Everyone looked so happy. I hated it. Especially those bloody mudbloods. Blaise, Mattheo, and I sat in our seats at our table. Blaise sat next to me, with Mattheo across from him. Pansy joined us shortly after and sat next to Mattheo. She kept yelling at people for trying to sit next to her. I didn't know why, but I didn't really care to ask.

Dumbledore started his stupid speech like always, and then the first years got sorted into their houses. Next, he announced that we had a new sixth year student. Layla Vitaly. Some of us already knew because of the train ride. The sorting hat said her parents were in Gryffindor, but she ended up in Slytherin. There's definitely something dark about her for that to happen. When she walked to our table, I had tunnel vision. My eyes could only focus on her. So much so that I couldn't hear everyone cheering.

I saw Pansy whispering to her about something. I couldn't hear what was said, but I noticed a sad look on both of their faces. Then Pansy introduced us to Layla. Honestly, I didn't know what to say, so I just gave a little head nod while Blaise and Mattheo made conversation. Eventually, the food came out.

I caught myself watching Layla. Her face looked uncomfortable. I had a feeling that she could tell I was looking at her.

Finally, everyone finished, and we headed to our common rooms. When we got there, and I noticed Layla had a huge smile on her face. I don't see why. This whole school is terrible. At least make it a pure-blood only. 

Blaise, Mattheo, and I went to my dorm to get ready for the party that we have every year when we get back from summer break.

"Draco, remind me why it takes you twice as long to get ready as it does for us?" Blaise chuckled while he finished up getting ready.

I looked over and smirked at him. "Because I have a higher standard of style. It's a burden, really."

Mattheo put his hand on Blaise's shoulder. "Don't listen to him, Blaise. He just likes to pretend he's the pinnacle of perfection."

I chuckled while I was adjusting my collar. "I don't pretend, Mattheo. It's a fact of life."

"Well, while Draco takes forever, shall we discuss our party strategy?" Blaise asked.

"Absolutely. We should make an entrance that everyone will remember." Mattheo exclaimed.

"Naturally, we are the cream of the Slytherin crop, after all." I added.

I finish getting ready and I look at myself in the mirror. Blaise and Mattheo join by standing next to me.

Blaise smiled to himself in the mirror. "We clean up pretty well, don't we?"

"Indeed, we do. Time to mingle with the finest wizards and witches." Mattheo said.

I smirked. "Forget the rest, they won't be able to take their eyes off us."


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