32.) Protect: Dracos POV

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I stayed with Layla until she fell asleep. I slowly got out of her bed, hoping not to wake her up. I was about to open the door to leave, but I had to look back at her. She looks so peaceful. So beautiful. Then I noticed a piece of paper sticking out from under her bed. I picked it up, and it looked like her handwriting, so I read it.

Nobody help me
I'm not cold I'm empty
Somebody heal me hold me make me know me
Hate me
No one can love me
Inside my lonely
Someone won't feel me show me make me know me
I'm not safe

Is this how she feels? I read it over and over. Breaking my heart each time. I decided to take it with me. She won't notice. Hopefully.

I went to the common room where the group was. Everyone was staring at me, waiting for me to say something. I sat on the couch next to Blaise, with everyone sitting in front of us.

"So? What happened?" Lilly asked.

I couldn't find the words. I was so angry and upset.

"Draco!" Pansy shouted, getting my attention.

"It was Theo." I whispered loudly.

"What did he do?" Pansy stood up from her seat while Lilly and Daphne looked shocked. "Draco!"

I put my elbows on my knees and cupped my hands over my face. I can feel Blaise's hand pat my back. Next thing I know, the girls are gone.

"This is your bloody fault, Riddle." I snapped.

"He said he wanted to meet her. All I did was introduce them. I don't even know what he did. You won't tell us." Mattheo explained.

I was silent for a second. "He hit her." I paused. "I guess his ring cut her cheek because she was bleeding."

"Why did he hit her?" Blaise asked.

I sighed. "I was tutoring her in potions... We had to brew an Amortentia potion. I smelled the potion, and I could smell her, and vice versa. Then... I kissed her. Theo saw all of that."

Blaise sighed. "You keep hurting her Draco."

"How am I hurting her?" I snapped.

"Well for one, you didn't tell her that this fucking twat..." He pointed at Mattheo. "...spiked her drink. And then you kissed her while she was with Theo."

"Fuck you Blaise." I got up and stormed out of the common room. Was he right? He probably was. I'm getting her close to me, but in the end... My father will know everything about her. I can't imagine what will happen when he sees her. I don't know who's side I'm on anymore.

Pansys pov

Draco was taking forever to tell us what happened, so I went to talk to Layla myself. Lilly and Daphne followed without saying anything. We got to the dorm, and Layla was on her bed laying on her side. Daphne and Lilly sat on Layla's bed while I sat on the floor where her head was facing.

"What happened, Layla?" I asked while moving some hair out of her face.

She turned on her back. The cheek she was laying on was bruised and cut. Daphne and Lilly gasped.

"He did that to you?" Lilly asked grabbing Layla's hand. Layla nodded.

"I'm so sorry Layla." Daphne had a tear rolling down her face. Layla looked over at Daphne and gave her a light smile. Layla will stay strong for everyone around her. But I've never seen her like this before.

"Could you guys give us a second?" I asked Lilly and Daphne.

"Sure." Lilly nodded.

"We love you Layla." Daphne added as they walked out of the room.

Layla was looking at the ceiling not saying anything.

"Look at me." I said softly to her. She turned her head in my direction. "You are so strong. You are one of the strongest witches I've ever met. I've seen you almost kill yourself trying to protect the ones you love. I've seen all the permanent scars you've gotten, physically and emotionally. And you're still here. You've been putting up such an amazing fight. It will be over soon. Until then, you have me and everyone else by your side. We will fight with you and for you. Don't let this break you." I sighed. "You can't let your past drag you down. Okay?" I smiled.

She smiled back.

"I'm going to go down to the common room. Do you want to come?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Do you want to see anyone?"

She shook her head again.

"Not even Draco?" It looked like she thought about it for a second, but she shook her head yet again. "Okay, I'll be back up later."

Dracos POV

I read the paper I found in Layla's room so many times that I have it memorized. I decided to write her a letter. Hopefully it will make her smile. I snuck into a classroom to grab parchment paper and a quill and I began writing.

I went to the Owlery to mail the letter.  I gave it to her owl instead of mine so she wouldn't know it was from me. I told him to deliver it in a few days so she can process everything.

It's been a couple of days, and Layla doesn't seem to be any better. She won't talk to anyone. Not even Pansy. She will go to class, but she will skip meal times and stay locked in her dorm. We bring food to her and have to force her to eat. She won't even join us in the common room. None of us let her walk to classes by herself in case she runs into Theo. I can't help but feel like this is all my fault.

After DADA everyone wanted to go to the library to study before dinner. Obviously except for Layla. We let Theo leave the class first sense he had it with us. I walked her back to her dorm while the rest of the group went to the library. She spots Theo leaning against the wall looking at her. She stops while he walks over to us and I got Infront of her.

"Back off Nott." I snapped.

"Relax Malfoy. I just wanted to see how my girl was doing." He smiled looking behind me at Layla. "How are you doing pretty girl? Does it still sting?" He smirked.

I start to pull out my wand but Layla pulls me back and gets in front of me facing Theo. She looks up at him.

"There's my pretty girl." He grazed his hand over the cut she had on her cheek. "Now you'll remember me forever."

She smiled. Why is she smiling at him after what he did? Before I could say or do anything, Layla kicked him in the balls and then pushed him over, and he fell to the ground holding his groin area. She walked away, and I was still standing there in shock.

"You better watch yourself bitch!" Theo yelled to Layla. She stopped walking and stood still for a second before turning around.

"Filpendo!" She yelled towards Theo and kept walking. I ran after her to catch up. That's the first thing she has said sense the incident.

"Where are you going?" I asked, finally catching up to her.

"To see Tyca."


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