37.) Hospital: Laylas POV

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Day 1

It's dark. It's cold. I can't see anything. I can't feel anything. I can't move. Am I dead? Is this what death feels like?

"What happened?" I heard a familiar voice. Pansy.

"She had multiple scars on her back that opened up, causing her to bleed out. Once we cleaned her up and gave her some healing potions, her scars went back to their original state." I think that was Madam Pomfrey. "She was lucky, Mr. Malfoy brought her when he did."

"Will she wake up?" Pansy asked, sounding worried.

"I believe so. But there is no telling when. Stay as long as you need." I could hear Madam Pomfrey walk away.

"Layla, I'm so sorry." Pansy choked up." I should've gone with you. I don't know what I was thinking. What am I saying? I wasn't thinking." She sobbed.

I can't explain how bad I wanted to hug her right now. Her hugs always relaxed me. If she was holding my hand, I couldn't feel it. But I could feel her presence. It felt warm. I was feeling warm.

She stayed with me for hours, but it felt like minutes. I was sad when she left. I felt more alone than I already was. I was getting cold again.

Day 2

It's still dark. I haven't heard any voices other than Madam Pomfrey and the other nurses, I'm assuming. They were saying that I was stable for now. Eventually, I heard footsteps and whispering. It was getting closer.

"Hi Layla. I don't know if you can hear me, but it's Lilly. Daphne is with me, too."

"We miss you." Daphne sniffled.

"It's not the same without you." Lilly added.

I felt their presence. I was getting warm again.

"When you wake up, we're gonna have a party!"

"Really, Daphne? The last thing she needs is another party." Lilly scoffed.

"Then maybe just the group. We can have a sleepover!"

I heard Lilly laugh after what Daphne said. "We've never done that before. That sounds like fun."

Eventually, they left, and no surprise, the coldness hit again. But now, I could see a little. Not very well. It looked foggy. But I could see that I was on a path, with trees on each side.  There were so many trees, it was like I was in a forest. I decided to follow the path and see where it leads me.

Day 3

I walked for hours. It felt like I was walking in circles. Nothing but trees everywhere. But every path leads to somewhere, right? It got a little brighter and warmer, and I heard more voices. I stopped walking and sat on the ground.

"I asked out that girl from the party the other day." That sounded like Mattheo.

"We aren't talking about that right now." That was Blaise.

I could hear them getting closer.

"She probably can't even hear me." Mattheo laughed.

"Doesn't matter. We aren't here to talk about your dating life." I heard a smack. Blaise probably hit Mattheo. "We are here to check on Layla." Blaise exhaled loudly.

"Okay, ouch." Mattheo clears his throat. "I want to say that I'm sorry again for spiking your drink. All though, I enjoyed making out with you." He laughed, and I heard another smack. "Will you stop that?"

I couldn't help but giggle to myself. When I look back on the night, I laugh. It's funny now, and it's a good way to learn to get your own drink.

"I'm sorry he's a dick." Blaise paused. I'm assuming he glared at Mattheo. "Daphne and Lilly mentioned a sleepover when you wake up. We all think it's a good idea."

"Are you going to mention Draco?" Mattheo asked.

It was silent for a second, and then Blaise sighed. "Really Mattheo?"

What happened to Draco?

"Well, I brought it up, so you might as well." Mattheo laughed nervously.

Silence again.

"We think he really misses you." Blaise paused. I couldn't help but smile. "But... He hasn't left his room since you've been here. He won't talk to anyone except for me, and I even have to force him to talk."

"What about what he did to his room?" Mattheo asked.

What did he do to his room?

"Shut. Up. Mattheo. Sorry Layla, we have to go. Someone can't keep their mouth shut."

"What did I do?" Mattheo's voice faded away along with their footsteps.

I stood up from the ground and started walking again. It got brighter but still cold. I could see better, but there were still only trees.

I can't stop thinking about Draco. He's the reason I'm alive. I am alive, right? If he really missed me like Blaise and Mattheo said, he would've visited me. He should've been the first person, besides Pansy. I'm angry at him for not even seeing if I was okay, but I'm still worried about him. What could he have possibly done to his room?

Day 4

I walked again for many hours, and the scenery was still the same. The only thing that changed was the lighting. Each day would get a little brighter.

I started to hear footsteps, so I stopped walking.

"Madam Pomfrey said Layla still hasn't woken up yet." I heard Pansy's voice.

"I'm sure she will wake up soon." Lilly was there too.

"I hope so. I've been planning out the sleepover." And so was Daphne.

I sat down on the ground once I realized who's voices those were. I felt so warm. It's warmer than I have been for the past couple of days. It got even brighter now.

They stayed with me for hours. Talking about how much they miss me and what I've been missing in classes. Daphne also kept talking about the sleepover and what she had planned. It made me happy that she was so excited. I have to admit, I'm a little excited, too.

Eventually, the girls left, and I was alone again. I got up from the ground and began walking. It's now brighter, and I can finally fully see. As I followed the path, it felt like it was never ending.

Day 5

The path finally ended. It led me to a meadow. It was beautiful and warm. The sun was shining so bright. There were wild flowers everywhere, pine trees boarding the meadow, and I could see mountains in the distance. 

I decided to lay down and surround myself with the flowers

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I decided to lay down and surround myself with the flowers. Then I heard footsteps.

"Hi Layla." It was Pansy. She sounded sad. "I wish you could talk back to me." She sighed.

I felt something on my hand. I looked at it, but it seemed normal. Normal in this situation, I guess. I ignored it and continued listening to Pansy talk. She choked on a lot of her words. I hate it when she's sad. She's always a happy person.

My hand started to feel tingly. I noticed it was sparkling. I looked at my other hand, and it was sparkling, too. Am I disappearing? Does that mean I'm going to die? My vision started to get blurry.


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