136.) Fun: Laylas POV

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It had been about a week since Draco and I had the conversation about our relationship, and things were starting to feel different between us. We were both more open with each other, more willing to listen and understand each other's pain and struggles.

As we sat in Draco's room, just hanging out, he asked me a question that had been on my mind as well.

"Have you talked to Pansy yet?" he asked softly.

"No, I haven't," I replied. I knew that I had to talk to her, to make things right between us. But I also knew that it wouldn't be easy.

"You really should," Draco said, his voice filled with compassion and understanding. "You know it wasn't her fault with what happened... between her and I. And I know she's been missing you."

I nodded my head slowly, knowing that he was right. Pansy deserved to know the truth, to know that I didn't blame her for what had happened.

"I know I should," I said finally. "I just don't know how to bring it up."

Draco looked at me for a moment, a sense of understanding washing over his face.

"I understand. But maybe once you see her, you'll know what to say," he said softly.

I looked at him, feeling a sense of gratitude and appreciation for his support and understanding.

"You're right," I said finally, a sense of determination filling my heart. "I... I'll go talk to her now."

As I entered my dorm room, I felt a bolt of anxiety run through my veins. I was relieved to see that Pansy was there, along with Daphne and Lily.

Daphne and Lily came up to me, exchanging greetings and seeming happy to see me. But then, I saw Pansy looking at me, her eyes were filled with sadness and regret.

"Could I talk to Pansy alone?" I asked softly, my voice barely above a whisper.

Daphne and Lily exchanged a knowing look, sensing that this was a difficult conversation to have. They left the room, giving me the space and privacy I needed to talk to Pansy.

I sat down on my bed, feeling a sense of trepidation and unease wash over me. Pansy sat on the other bed, looking at me with a sense of sadness and regret.

"Did Draco tell you what happened at the party?" I asked softly, my voice barely above a whisper.

Pansy nodded her head slowly, looking down at the ground. "About the spiked drink? Yeah... he did."

For a moment, there was silence between us, as if time had slowed down. And then, slowly but surely, we began to talk.

"I'm going to be honest, it's really hard to look at you right now," I said finally, my voice filled with sadness. "I know what happened wasn't your fault, but I just can't get that image out of my head. Even when I look at Draco."

Pansy looked at me for a moment, her eyes were filled with understanding and compassion. "I understand," she said softly. "I keep thinking back on that night, wishing I never left you and the girls. If I would've stayed, none of that would have ever happened. I'm so sorry, Layla."

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I heard Pansy's words. But then, I knew that it was time to let go of the pain and hurt and move forward towards a better tomorrow.

"It's okay," I said finally, my voice filled with forgiveness and understanding. "I forgive you."

We both knew that we had taken the first step towards rebuilding our friendship, towards a future filled with hope and possibility.

As the day began to wind down, my friends and I found ourselves in the Room of Requirement, hanging out and chatting about everything and nothing all at once.

Blaise, Mattheo, and Daphne were sitting on the floor, playing a game of wizard's chess, while Lily and I sat on the windowsill, looking out at the beautiful view of the Hogwarts grounds.

Draco was sitting on the couch next to me, his arm around my shoulder, looking content and happy. But I could also see a sense of awkwardness in his eyes, a sense of discomfort as he tried to avoid looking at Pansy, who was sitting on the other side of the room.

For a while, we chatted and laughed, sharing stories and jokes in a carefree manner that had been rare over the past few months.

But then, Blaise asked the question that had been on everyone's mind: "So what's going on between you and Draco, Layla?"

I could feel the tension in the room rise as everyone turned to look at me, waiting for an answer.

"Well... We've gotten back together," I said finally, feeling a sense of nervousness and anticipation wash over me.

There were gasps and exclamations of surprise from around the room, as everyone tried to process what I had just said.

"You guys, like, got back together?" Lily said finally, her eyes wide with shock.

Draco looked at me for a moment, a sense of hope and happiness in his eyes. "Yeah... We did," he said softly.

For a moment, there was silence between us, as if everyone was waiting for something to happen.

But then, Blaise spoke up. "That's great," he said, a smile spreading across his face. "We're all happy for you."

Everyone else in the room nodded in agreement, their faces filled with happiness and joy.

As the night went on, we continued to hang out and chat, each of us sharing stories and laughter and a sense of camaraderie that had been missing from our lives for months.

Draco and I were able to put aside our past hurts and misunderstandings, focusing instead on the future and the love that had never really gone away.

But I could also sense a sense of discomfort and tension between Draco and Pansy. They still avoided each other, each of them staring off into different directions whenever their eyes met.

It was clear that things between them were still strained, still tense, and still unresolved. But for the moment, we were all able to put aside our differences and focus on what mattered most: love, friendship, and the hope for a brighter future.

As the night went on, the sense of happiness and camaraderie that had filled the Room of Requirement began to dissipate. The air was thick with tension, and I could feel the weight of the past still bearing down on us.

But then, Draco broke the silence, his voice low and seductive. "How about we have some... fun tonight. What do you say?"

My heart began to race as I considered his words, knowing full well what he was suggesting. We had done it many times before, and each time had been filled with passion and lust.

"What kind of fun?" I asked softly, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I think you know what kind," he said, his eyes smoldering with desire.

For a moment, there was silence between us as we both considered the possibilities. And then, without saying another word, we both got up and left the Room of Requirement, heading to Draco's dorm.

As we made our way through the halls of Hogwarts, I could feel the tension and excitement building within me, knowing that we were about to be together in a way that was both familiar and yet new.

When we finally arrived at his dorm, Draco locked the door behind us, turning to face me with a look of desire and passion in his eyes.

And then, without a word, we began to kiss, our bodies entwined in a sea of passion and lust.

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