140.) Hideout: Layla's POV

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The next morning, we were awoken by a peck at the window. It was Cheyenne's owl with a letter from her brother. The letter said to go and meet with him, and Cheyenne knew where he was.

"He'll meet up with us. But we have to go to him," Cheyenne said nervously, looking at me.

"Where is he?" I asked, feeling a sense of apprehension creeping up my spine.

"He has a hideout somewhere in Frostpeak Mountain," she replied, her voice trembling slightly.

"Why? You know how dangerous that mountain is," I said, feeling a sense of uncertainty washing over me.

"That's exactly why he's there. He knows that no one would find him. Students have never made it as far as he has," she explained.

I bit my lip, feeling a sense of dread and fear in my heart. But I also knew that this was a necessary journey, a journey that could lead to the answers I was seeking.

"Okay, let's go then," I said finally, determination filling my voice.

As the 3 of us got ready and made our way towards the mountain, I had to explain to Draco what we were going to get ourselves into. And to make matters worse, it's wintertime.

Frostpeak Mountain serves as a challenging test for seasoned wizards and witches, offering an opportunity for them to hone their survival skills and encounter a myriad of magical beings. The mountain's name embodies its inhospitable nature, with piercing winds and heavy snowfall that persist throughout the year, posing constant danger to those who dare to explore its heights.

Hidden within its icy embrace lies a sanctuary of otherworldly creatures, from majestic frost nifflers to spectral snow sprites. Only the bravest dare to venture into the heart of Frostpeak Mountain, seeking both thrills and enlightenment amidst the peril. Students of Ilvermorny often regard it as a rite of passage to conquer the mountain and conquer their fears, gaining resilience and mastery over the forces of nature.

As we made our way towards the mountain, the sense of danger and uncertainty began to weigh heavily on me. I knew that we were going to face many challenges along the way.

Frostpeak Mountain was notorious for its harsh environment, its piercing winds, and constant snowfall, making it virtually inhospitable. Most wizards and witches don't last that long out there, let alone building a hideout there.

As we approached the mountain's foothills, I could already feel the biting wind whipping around us, the icy snow stinging our faces. I wrapped my cloak tighter around me, trying to stay warm and focused.

Cheyenne led the way, using her knowledge of the mountain and its terrain to guide us towards her brother's hideout. The path was treacherous, filled with crevices and cliffs that could spell certain deaths if one were not careful.

But we pressed on, our determination and love guiding us towards our goal.

As we climbed higher and higher, the scenery around us began to change. The snow was thicker, the wind stronger, and the darkness deeper. We encountered all sorts of magical creatures, from frost nifflers to spectral snow sprites, each of them posing their own unique set of challenges.

But even in the face of these obstacles, we pressed on, our love and our courage pushing us forward.

It wasn't until we reached the summit that we finally found what we were looking for: Cheyenne's brother's hideout.

It was a humble structure, made of ice and stone, built into the side of the mountain. Its exterior was adorned with runes and wards, clearly designed to keep intruders out.

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