42.) The Meeting: Dracos POV

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It was Christmas Eve. The day of the meeting with my father and his army. I've been in my room since I have been home. I haven't eaten or slept in days. I wasn't really looking forward to the ball. I just wanted to be alone, and I didn't want to see Layla. I don't even want Layla to come. Especially because of my father. If she does come, my father won't do anything with all the people that are going to be here, so I guess that's good, right? I also asked Astoria to the ball. I knew it would irritate Layla if she showed up.

"Draco! Meeting in one hour!" I heard my dad hell from outside my room.

"Okay." I groaned and got out of bed.

I took a shower, threw clothes on, tried to eat a little, and went to the meeting. The room was dark and cold. I saw my father at the head of the table. I walked over and sat adjacent to him and waited for the meeting to start.

"Draco, I want you to tell us everything you know about Layla's gift." My father said.

"I've already told you everything I know, Father." I said nervously.

He stood up from his seat. "I don't believe you, Draco. You're hiding something from us." 

"I swear I'm not hiding anything. I've told you everything I know."

"Don't lie to me, boy!" He said angrily and grabbed my arm. He used his wand to read my thoughts.

"Father, please!" I pleaded in pain.

He finally finished. "You're telling the truth... But this isn't enough! You should have found out more about her!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry. I'll try to do better." I felt defeated.

"Sir, we have a message from Diamond. He wants us to find out everything we can about Layla's gift to make sure it's really her." One of the 'soldiers' said walking into the meeting.

Diamond? As in Arceus Diamond? Is my father working with him?

My father nodded. "I know... That's why it's important that we have accurate information. Diamond is counting on us." He paused. "You are all dismissed. Draco, stay here." He waited for everyone to leave, and then he spoke up. "Draco, I know I can be hard on you sometimes. But it's for your own good. You need to be prepared for anything in case Diamond decides to use Layla's gift against us."

"I understand, Father. But why Layla? Why are we so focused on her?" I didn't want him to know that I already knew about Arceus.

"It's because she's powerful... She is more powerful than she realizes. And we need to harness that power to defeat our enemies."

"But what if we hurt her in the process?" I asked, worried.

"Diamond's orders are clear. We do what is necessary to win this war. And if that means sacrificing a few lives along the way... so be it. If you need to get close to her, do it. But you better not fall for her."

I nodded in response, and then he dismissed me.

I went back to my room and sat on the bed. Right away, I had a good idea to find out where Layla and Pansy have been going every day. I went to my dresser that had all my rings. I rummaged through all of them and grabbed one that was a snake. It was sterling silver and had zirconia black stones covering the outside. 

I charmed the ring so I would always be able to find it

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I charmed the ring so I would always be able to find it. Hopefully she will wear it. It's worth a shot, though. Luckily, I have never worn this ring, so no one will know it's mine. I grabbed a small box, put the ring inside, and tied it closed with a bow. Then I grabbed a piece of parchment paper, a quill, and began writing the letter.

When I finished, I apparated to Hogsmeade so I could go to the Owl Post. I didn't want her to recognize my owl. I went inside and gave the worker Pansy's address, and told them I wanted it delivered tomorrow morning, which was Christmas. I left the building and apparated back home.

I walked through the doors, and saw that my mother was waiting for me.

"Just in time. I have a new suit for you. Go try it on." She smiled and handed me the suit.

I groaned because I already have too many suits. I went to the bathroom and changed into it. I looked at myself in the mirror and groaned again. I walked out and locked eyes with my mother.

"It looks the same as all the others." I told her.

"Hush. This one has bigger pockets and is made with different fabrics." She started to mess around with the suit.

"You really didn't have to buy me another one." I sighed.

"Oh, I didn't buy it. It was your fathers when he was your age." She said, smiling.

Great, just what I wanted, my fathers old suit.

"I heard you asked Astoria to the ball. Are you guys back together." She backed away from me to admire the suit.

"No. She's just someone to go with." I was somewhat honest.

"Did you want to ask someone else?" She raised her eyebrows.

I was silent. I didn't know what to say. But she seemed to have caught on.

"What's her name?" She smiled and looked excited.

"It's not important. We aren't even talking right now." I went into the bathroom to change back into my regular clothes.

"Will she be at the ball tomorrow?" She shouted from the other side of the door.

"I don't know. Maybe. Can we talk about this another time?" I really didn't want to talk about Layla or even mention her name considering the situation I'm being put in.

"Of course." I heard her footsteps fade.

I left the bathroom and went to my room. I stayed there for the rest of the night


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