64.) Break Down: Dracos POV

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I stepped out of my dorm, feeling the heaviness of the late hour weighing on my tired shoulders. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Layla, knowing that she had been going through a tough time today. I knew she often sought solace in the common room during the night, finding comfort in its peacefulness when everyone else was asleep.

As I made my way towards the common room, a faint sound reached my ears. It grew louder with each step, and I immediately recognized the beautiful melody of a piano. Curiosity piqued, I quickened my pace, intrigued to discover the source of the music.

Approaching the common room, the piano playing came to a sudden halt as Layla's frustration became evident. She slammed her elbows down on the keys. I could sense the deep-seated emotions that were consuming her. She seemed completely oblivious to my presence as she covered her face with her hands.

My concern for her outweighed any reservations I had about intruding on her personal moment. I stepped towards her, intending to offer my support, when she abruptly stood up from the piano bench. My worry escalated as she conjured a multitude of glass cups with her wand, hurling them towards the wall in an outburst of frustration. The shattering sound echoed through the common room, emphasizing the turmoil within her. I noticed that she picked up one of the broken pieces of glass and stared at it.

Before she could react further, instinct propelled me to intervene. I rushed towards her, grabbing hold of the glass fragment in her hand. The memory of her previous self-harm flashed through my mind, reminding me of the fragile state she had once been in. I held her tightly in my arms, providing a semblance of security amidst the chaos that consumed her.

She buried her face into my chest, her tears dampening my shirt. I held her even tighter, never wanting to let go. "Layla..." I whispered gently, my voice laced with concern. "What's wrong? Why are you feeling this way?"

Her voice wavered as she spoke, her words carrying the weight of her struggles. "I'm just tired," she began, her voice choked with emotion. "Tired of constantly failing, tired of pretending to be someone I'm not, tired of lying to myself, and sometimes, I'm even tired of living."

My heart plummeted at her admission, and a torrent of emotions swirled within me. I wanted to fix everything, to take away the pain she was feeling. But I knew I couldn't magically make it all better. All I could do was be there for her, offering my support and understanding.

I held her face in my hands, ensuring she met my gaze. "Layla, listen to me," I urged, my voice filled with determination. "You are strong, so much stronger than you realize. I've seen it in you. You have overcome so many obstacles, and even in your darkest moments, you've managed to find a way back into the light."

Her eyes searched mine, seeking some form of solace amidst the storm. "But Draco, what if I'm not strong enough anymore? What if this time, I can't find my way back?"

I brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, my voice filled with conviction. "Then I'll be there beside you every step of the way. I won't let you face these battles alone. We will find a way together, just like we have in the past."

She took a shaky breath, her vulnerability slowly giving way to a glimmer of hope. "Why do you always believe in me? Even when I can't believe in myself."

A tender smile appeared on my lips as I looked deep into her eyes. "Because you deserve to be believed in. You're an incredible person, and I know you have the strength within you to overcome anything life throws your way. I may not have all the answers, but I promise to be here for you, no matter what."

She leaned into my embrace once again, a mixture of relief and uncertainty enveloping her. "Thank you, Draco," she murmured, her voice laced with gratitude. "Thank you for always being there, even when I don't deserve it."

I held her tightly, cherishing the moment of connection we shared. "You deserve all the love and support in the world. Never forget that. And remember, when you're weary and feel like giving up, lean on me. I'll be your rock, your shoulder to cry on, and your unwavering support."

As Layla finished telling me about her struggles, I could see the weight of her sadness dragging her down. I was unsure of how to really help her, when suddenly I had an idea.

"Hey, Layla," I said softly. "I know this might sound strange, but do you have a favorite song that you like to play on the piano?"

She looked surprised by my question, but she quickly nodded her head. "Actually, I do," she said. "It's called 'River Flows in You.' Why?"

I explained to her that I thought it might be therapeutic for her to play music, to have a way to channel her emotions into something beautiful and creative. I could tell that the idea intrigued her, and she eventually agreed to play for me.

As she sat down at the piano and began to play, I found myself completely entranced by the sound. The melody was soft and soothing, washing over me like a gentle river. I had no idea that she was such a talented pianist.

As she played, I could see her shoulders relax and the strain on her face start to ease. For a few moments, all of her worries and troubles seemed to melt away, replaced by the simple pleasure of creating something beautiful.

When she finished playing, I clapped softly. What she had done was brave and vulnerable, and I felt honored that she would share her talent with me. "That was wonderful," I said, and it was true. "You really have talent."

She smiled at me, her expression unguarded and genuine. For the first time that night, I felt like maybe things were going to be okay. Maybe we could help each other heal, one note at a time.

As the night wore on, we continued to talk, delving into the depths of her pain and her hopes for a brighter future. Layla's burden didn't magically disappear, but the weight of it seemed a little lighter with each moment we spent together.

And as I held her close, promising to fight alongside her, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if circumstances were different. If she didn't already have someone, and if she didn't hold a special place in my heart.

But for now, I pushed those thoughts aside, content in the knowledge that she had found solace in my presence. I would continue to be her saving grace, even if it meant sacrificing the desire within me. Love, after all, comes in many forms, and sometimes, the greatest love is simply being there for someone in their darkest moments.


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