chapter 3

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You wouldn't fucking believe my luck.

So, Ms. Kanroji sits us down right? She's gushing over Mr. Iguro, as per always, when she suddenly assigns us a group project. So, I waltz my way over to Kanao. Suddenly, Muichiro taps me on my shoulder and whips me around. This bitch. Whips me around using my wrist.

Is it too late to back out of the bet?

"Would you like to be partners?" He asks me, his voice was still kinda quiet.

I look over to Kanao, and I'm internally begging her to save me. When suddenly, Tanjiro. Fucking. Kamado decides to shoot his shot. So now, I'm stuck with Muichiro Tokito.

"Oh, sure." I give him a smile before we both look back at Ms. Kanroji.

"The project is for each partner to write an essay on any topic both of you want! Heck, you can even write it about each other if you want. This is in order to stimulate your creativity, so... I'm expecting you all to be hard at work!" She says cheerfully. "It's due in a little over two weeks, so I'm expecting you all to work dilligently!"

Motioning for us to start working, I look over at Muichiro. "So, er... what do you want to make our project on?"

"We can do the project on each other, since that would be the easiest option." I'm not letting him play this game with me. It must be because I'm on that dumbass list that he's doing this.

"Alrighty then, whatever you say." I open my laptop and create a new document. "Muichiro, could you tell me about yourself then?"

Muichiro ponders for awhile before answering the question. "I need something a bit more specific, 'm sorry..."

"No, no, it's fine." I stifle a groan. "Favorite--"

"Can I question you first?" He asks. This boy is a certified maniac. I nod, because I don't want him to be any more suspicious of me.

As he begins questioning me, I find myself having to lie a lot. I feel bad, of course, but there is no way in hell Muichiro is gonna get one over on me.

The bell rings, and we both leave.


mui 💕

i wish i could tell when people are lying or not

that's crazy
sounds like a you problem tho 😹

dont get cocky now
what r u doing right now

walking home


wtf bitch why was that so demanding
call 🤬👹
ask nicely

you're so lucky i don't know who you are
that's your only protection rn

damn dont start barking at me

fully yours | t. muichiroWhere stories live. Discover now