chapter 15

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Today was going wrong in all the wrong ways.

First off, why the hell was I called out of class to the office? What'd I do? This is dumb.

As soon as I get to the office, I see a strange man sitting on a chair next to Mr. Shinazugawa. This guy is staring into the poor kid's soul. But when Mr. Shinazugawa sees me, he seems to loosen up. Weird.

The seats here are comfortable, though. But it's painstakingly quiet in here. But, they have this one clock in the office that ticks really loudly.

Now normally, I would ask why I'm here. But, Mr. Shinazugawa scares the living shit out of me, so I'm a bit scared. Especially after what happened with Genya, I'm not risking it. I wonder if he hates me after that.

The door swings open, and Muichiro's standing in the doorway. Thank the heavens, oh my gosh.

But, he doesn't look at me.

He's glaring at the student in the chair. Huh. He looks really scary. Muichiro plops down in the seat next to me, taking my hand in his and gripping it tightly. For whatever reason, he decided to sit closer to the other guy in the chair.

Oh shit. Mrs. Ubuyashiki walks out of her office, a slightly disappointed look on her face. "Mr. Shinazugawa, you may continue teaching your class. Thank you for escorting him over."

So now it's just me, Muichiro, and this other random kid.


"Could you three all come into my office?" Mrs. Ubuyashiki asks, her voice full of concern.

We all stand up and follow her into the room, taking a seat. It's quiet. Really fucking quiet. Mrs. Ubuyashiki always has this calming presence surrounding her, and her office seems to be no exception.

Muichiro lightly squeezes my hand three times.

"I have called you all in here today in regards of some serious accusations that have raised against Han Yoshida." Okay, first off, who the hell is this kid? The name Han sounds oddly familiar, but I haven't seen this kid ever. "Han has been accused of stalking and threatening Y/N."

Oh. Wait, it's this kid? I turn in my chair to face him, giving him a disgusted look. He doesn't even look at me once. "It's you?! You're the one threatening my sister?"

"Mrs. Ubuyashiki." Muichiro's voice is calm. "Did Mr. Uzui tell you that he was following Y/N around while he was armed? Could you check his backpack, please?"

"Calm down, students." She sighs, typing a few things on her computer before looking back at us. "Han, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"I think it's pretty common for a guy to have a crush in school, and the knife is for my home economics class. All I did was look at a girl, and walk the same route as her. Muichiro does that all the time. Is what I did so wrong?" He finally glances at me, his eyes swirling with anger.

"Mrs. Ubuyashiki, I have evidence on my phone that he admitted to stalking me. May I please show it to you?" Upon her approval, I'm digging through my pocket for my phone. Fishing it out, I unlock it and open the texts. "Here. All of it is evidence. The first original texts are from Muichiro, and the rest are from me."

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