chapter 17

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Two week suspension.

And news got out pretty fast.

I've gotten several kids running up to me and asking if I'm okay, why he did it, blah blah blah. Some kids are accusing me of framing him and doing it for attention, but I don't have the mental capacity to deal with ignorant shits.

Makomo was my main priority, though. Ever since the incident, I've been insisting on her walking home with me and Muichiro instead of with Sabito. Sure, Sabito's a nice kid, but I doubt his kendo skills will get him very far in a fight with Han. She reluctantly accepted, instead asking if Sabito could walk along with us. We both agreed, and let them walk in front of us so we could keep an eye on them.

"I'm glad he at least got punished." I sighed, relieved. "So many rumors have been spreading around school about it, though."

"I'm still a bit worried. How come you aren't taking legal action?" Muichiro asked.

Because my parents are shitty. "My parents would probably ignore me."

"I hate your parents." He deadpanned. "Shitty people are always meant for each other."

"That doesn't make sense. This relationship wouldn't be happening if that was true." I joked.

Muichiro glared at me, squeezing my hand tighter. "We're both un-shitty. That's final."


"Yo, Y/N." Makomo shouted. "Can I sleepover at Sabito's? It's a weekend! Please?"

Muichiro and I exchanged looks before I replied. "Of course! Let's just pack your things before you go, alright? May I please walk you there?"

"Yeah, whatever." She shrugged.

Damn. Makomo's gonna be more popular than me with all these plans she's making...

"Wanna sleepover at my house, Y/N?" Muichiro asked.

Nevermind. You can't outdo the doer, bitches. "Of course, Muichiro!"


Sabito lives in a surprisingly nice neighborhood. I dropped Makomo off, and am now heading back to Muichiro's house with him.

Until my phone rang.

I never get peace in this academy, do I? "Hello?"

"Y/N." The familiar voice almost causes me to drop my phone. Muichiro catches it thankfully, handing it back to me with a perplexed look on his face.

"... Daki! Hey..."

Let me explain.

A year or two back, I got involved with this really odd friend group. Daki, Gyutaro, Hakuji, Koyuki... they always icked me. Besides Koyuki. She was fine. Somehow, they were really popular though.

Until I sorta went behind their back.


It wasn't unprovoked! I don't do shit like that without reasoning. Daki was trying to sabotage me, so I just sabotaged her. It was only last year when I finally met Aoi, Kanao, and Nezuko and they saved me.

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