prologue - part 3

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I used to be a total stranger to love and relationships.

Don't get me wrong, that romance book definitely helped, but it was the people around me who helped me the most. That's why I had a complete melt down when I realized the people around me are suffering.

One last recap.

Y/N has been getting stalked by a hostile and perverted boy, who ended up cutting my hair and hurting her. Y/N and Makomo's homes were completely trashed by their own parents who are currently being put on trial. My brother has been hiding his true feelings from me since I was born.

Yuichiro has been bottling up his emotions and fighting a war with himself for six fucking years. I'm sure he's tired.

Y/N keeps blaming herself for what happened. She keeps holding her parents on this pedestal, despite everything they've done to her and Makomo. Not to mention, her parents are being taken to court and will probably be sent to prison for at least a few years.

Makomo is grieving. She's confused. She did everything right, but still feels sorrow.

So, with the upcoming festival as well as the end of school coming, I need them all to be happy. Examinations are soon, as well.

Let's do one last five-phase plan, alright?
1. There is no plan. I'm gonna do my own thing.
2. Fuck the plan.

It doesn't matter to me anymore. There is no structure to healing. These people deserve happiness, and I'm gonna give it to them.

And if it's at the cost of my own, so be it.

Let's put a ribbon over this story. I'm going out with a bang.

a/n: the third and FINAL part of "fully yours"! omg im literally so like confused as to how i feel about closing off this story. it's so bittersweet bc i loved writing this sm but ik that i cant just keep this fic going on forever.

i wanna end this fic around august 10th due to school, but it may go on longer than that. expect updates to slow down drastically due to school. i completely overloaded myself w like a student leadership program, cheerleading, alg 2 + pre calc, etc lmaooo (help me im going into freshman year)

will i completely stop writing? probably not. my updates will probably just become something like 3-4 times a week bc of the sheer amount of writing im gonna be doing on the weekends and stuff. LOTS of prewritten stuff so look out for that

as for my current fic ideas, here's what i got:

tsugoku x hashira: backtalk
"stay with me, you won't regret baby."

When you became a demon slayer, you didn't expect to surpass your peers and perform the best out of everyone in the Final Selection. Neither did you expect to become the Mist Pillar's tsugoku. You soon came to realize how much you loathed the boy, going as far as to even talk back towards him. However, you didn't expect your act of protest to entice him.


(this fic will NOT follow the manga word for word. i dont plan on killing off muichiro and/or y/n in any stories i write.)

ceo x secretary: nothing compares
"water when we're together, at war we work so much better"

Broke and barely keeping up with the bills, you find yourself getting hired for a job as the secretary for a large company. Only issue? Your boss is insufferable. And hot. Insufferable and hot.

- Chatfic/Traditional Fic
- F!Reader x Muichiro Tokito
- Modern AU

childhood friends to lovers: meant to be
"'cause I see sparks fly, whenever you smile"

You and Tokito Muichiro have known each other for as long as you could remember. You just never expected your new boyfriend to get in the way of that. You had fallen in love with another boy in your homeroom and he seemed to reciprocate your feelings. Too bad Muichiro and your boyfriend hate each other.

- Chatfic/Traditional Fic
- F!Reader x Tokito Muichiro
- Kimetsu Academy AU

these are just ideas i have at the top of my head! i would appreciate any requests or ideas that might come to your minds! i love you guys, and if you think something else may be better than these ideas i would appreciate to get your opinion! 💕

STAY SAFE!!! drink water, eat food, sleep well, and take care of yourselves!!!! ilysm 💕💕💕

fully yours | t. muichiroWhere stories live. Discover now