chapter 18

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Kanroji's Note 💕: this following chapter will have descriptions of some coupley stuff that not everyone will be comfortable with!! mainly just kissing though, nothing explicit. just what regular teenagers do i guess! haha... (to that specific crowd of people seeing this: don't even think about smut, you weirdos...)


When I woke up, Muichiro was still hugging me and breathing softly. One of my legs was ontop of his while he laid on his back, holding me tightly with both of his arms.

I think I slept on his chest throughout the night.

I'm remembering that offer Daki gave me. I need to get Han to leave Muichiro and I the fuck alone.

But... Muichiro's bedhead is so cute! He looks so peaceful while sleeping. I can't wake him up. Maybe I should just sneak out?

I slowly pull my leg off of his, lifting myself off of him and worming myself out of his grip.

Please be a heavy sleeper.

Until a hand grabs me and pulls me flat against the bed.

Mint green eyes stare down at me.

Why are we always in this position? I swear, the rollerskating rink, when I went to his house for the first time, when I accidentally called him Mui. Why is he ontop of me again?

Wait, no. This is different.

"Why'd you try to leave me?" He asks, staring down at me intensely.

"We have that hangout thing today, remember?" I retaliate.

"I want my favor."

Those four words make my blood run cold. What's his favor? "Sure, whatever."

Muichiro moves to circle a sensitive part of my neck.


"Here. I wanna give you a hickey. And you're not allowed to cover it." He whispers, rubbing gentle circles over it. I gasp at his words.

I pout. "But, we're going out today! What will others think when--"

"They'll think that you're mine, and won't bother you anymore." Fuck. I'm stuck here.

"Are you sure you don't want to pick a different spot?" I suggest. Please not that spot.

But he shakes his head, a small smirk forming on his lips as he continues to look at me. "Nope. This spot is good. It'll make it fairly visible, not to mention the way your breath hitches and body twitches everytime I touch it."

"So... that's the favor?" It is a bit anti-climactic for him to save a favor from a huge bet like that.

Muichiro perks up, looking at me like a confused bunny. He's really cute when he does that, I don't think I can take him seriously. "Oh? Well, I guess I can make it more intense. I'll leave multiple, maybe even a few bites here and there—"

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