did you notice? + criticism

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throughout the story, i wrote in several things that may not go noticed by a casual reader. however, i've learned to never underestimate wattpad readers. so, did you find these things?

- parallels: i've written in SEVERAL parallels between yuichiro, muichiro, and y/n. can you spot them? ex: chapter 21 and chapter 23
* chapter 21: yuichiro, "If I hadn't yelled at Muichiro that day, maybe things would've been different. If I protested against my parents' wishes, Muichiro wouldn't have gotten hurt. If I was stronger, maybe that day wouldn't have happened."
* chapter 23: y/n, "If I taught Makomo better, maybe things would've been different. If I hadn't protested against my parents' wishes, Makomo wouldn't have bruises on her. If I was stronger, maybe Makomo wouldn't have gotten hurt as frequently."

- muichiro's dream, end of chapter 29: "His hair looks different. I can't tell if it's due to the shadows, but it seems like his tips have faded into a darker blue hue. Did I time travel?"
* i actually got inspired off of @anqellyic on tiktok's art. PLEASEEE check the art its literally amazing. they drew muichiro with a lighter blue hue for his tips and yuichiro with a darker blue hue. i thought that this was so cool and added it in
* i thought it really symbolized him growing to live for himself and not for his family/muichiro. "My death would be unnecessary, and a hindrance. So, I'll stay alive for them. I'm sorry." despite the fact that this is better than him suffering in silence in this au, this isn't the satisfaction i feel like every reader would be satisfied with. "hinderance" and "unnecessary" and "for them" arent exactly the things that shouldve been coming out of his mouth.

- the sheer amount of research that went into writing this: this WAS supposed to take place in japan, but i accidentally westernized the school so hard that i forgot that schools in japan dont work like how schools work here, so i freaked out and had to wing it.
* i knew absolutely nothing about panic attacks before writing this, so i'm sorry if anything was inaccurately depicted! </3
* any other issues written here besides y/n's, i had absolutely no past experience with. if anything was inaccurately depicted, please tell me so i can go back and rewrite it!

- the foreshadowing to han's appearance in chapter 9: check the knygram post made by y/n, specifically the comments! can you find him?
* i hope he pissed you guys off
* i did the same thing with mae, check the post on chapter 6

- tanjiro and kanao's budding relationship: yes, it was there.
* if you squint you can see it

- what this was inspired off of: i've gotten my fair share of comments w people saying "omg marinettee" and yes i love that show but can you tell who else this was inspired off of?
* spoiler alert: it was nikki from dork diaries. idc who u are i used to devour that shit UPPPPPP like scrumdillyyumyum
* to all the boys i've loved before: if you SQUINT you can see it like just a little bit i promise

- what the subway scene in chapter 4 was inspired off of: "I didn't know you liked my lap so much, Y/N."
* @gyuu.ex on tiktok actually inspired this scene! should be the first tiktok on their page. i was literally gasping when i saw it so i had to at least incorporate a bit of it in there cs OH MY GOODNESS


my writing is NOT perfect. i've known that for awhile now haha. however, in order to improve, i'd like constructive criticism from my readers! if you have any, please leave suggestions/criticism in the comments of each bullet point

* anything depicted incorrectly: including mental health disorders

* writing issues: how can i improve my writing?

* plot holes/unrealistic scenarios: this book is definitely not realistic, but please tell me if i missed anything!

* plot problems: this is a big one. if you noticed anything weird in the plot, PLEASE tell me

tysm for the journey! i love you all sm and ty for giving me the chance to share my writing 😭💕

for one last LAST time in "fully yours" history:


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