chapter 26

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"Hehe~!" Mitsuri giggled, toying with the microphone in front of her.

Obanai walked into the room and lifted an eyebrow at the sight, confused. "What are you doing, Mitsuri?"

"We have guests!" She cheered, thrusting her hands up into the air.

"Is there any girls coming?" The heterochromatic male asked, sitting down next to Mitsuri.

"Y/N." The pink-haired female fidgeted with her skirt as she averted her gaze. She knew the male had a girl allergy, but she wished for him to at least stay and watch. "Please, stay! Just wear your mask!"

Obanai sighed, slumping down in his seat. "Why do you need them here anyway?"

"Well... Let me do a little playback here..."

Sticking a sliver of her tongue out as she fiddled with a small remote, she pressed a small green button on the grey device.

"I am no stranger to having a crush."

"That's Y/N!" Obanai gasped, snatching the remote. "During part one's prologue! The very first line!"

But his excitement turned to dread as he turned to face Mitsuri, her face smug. "How many times have you reread it?"

"... I just have good memory." Tossing the device back to the female, his attention drifted to the two sets of headphones on the table. "Who are those for?"

"You'll see!"

As if on cue, the doorbell rang through the house. Are we legally allowed to do this?

The english teacher gleefully skipped up to the door and opened it. "Hello~!"

On the doorstep stood the two anticipated students. Muichiro had his arm wrapped over Y/N's shoulder as he stared curiously at the teacher. His hair seemed to be braided messily, reminiscent of Mitsuri's. Y/N smiled happily at the sight of her teacher.

"Good evening, Ms. Kanroji!" The two bowed their heads for their teacher, to which she frantically waved her hands around.

"No need to bow! No need to bow!" She pleaded. "Please, take your shoes off and come inside!"

"So, is this about the essays?" Muichiro held a small cup of tea in his hand, pulling it up to his lips elegantly.

Mitsuri shook her head as she pulled out the headphones, handing it to them. "I have a much more fun idea in mind! Put these on!"

The two students slowly put the black, cushioned headphones over their ears. "Now what?" Y/N asked.

"Obanai~! Turn it on! Turn it on!" The green-eyed female cheered.

Obanai sighed as he pressed the green button on the remote.

"I am no stranger to having a crush on someone.

I'll admit it, I might've fangirled over Tanjiro once... maybe twice. Okay, just hear me out. There is absolutely no reason why he had to walk around the school with messy hair and look so hot! But, I'm not a homewrecker. I don't fuck with Kanao's crush. That being said, I did accidentally mess around with Nezuko's crush once, but he's not my type."

"Fuck, no!" Y/N cried out, yanking the headphones off of Muichiro. "I said some really weird stuff in this recording!"

Muichiro was frowning, folding his arms over his chest. "I don't like listening to Y/N gush over other guys..."

Mitsuri giggled. "She gushes over you in the next few seconds. Nonstop."

"Give me those headphones back, Y/N." The younger male demanded.

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