chapter 9

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Let's do a recap.

I made a plan to get Muichiro Tokito, my first senior high school crush, to fall in love with me. This included getting his number. I accidentally texted him "heyyy" with a winky face, and he decided to start flirting with me. So, this went along for a week, before Muichiro started ghosting me and talking to another girl. But, after Genya slapped me, Muichiro is back to talking to me and let me sleep in his bed with him.

Oh, and I lost that bet.

"I knew it was you, Y/N."

Fuck my life. "I have no clue what you're talking about, were you dreaming about something? I think you should go back to sleep."

He sits up from the bed and looks at me, and I'm still laying down. Dammit, he does look really attractive. "You owe me a favor, Y/N. I know you know what I'm talking about." His voice is low and husky. I was right, his sleepy voice is really hot.

"Huh? What favor?" Ah, yes. Playing dumb is the perfect move, great job Y/N! Give yourself a pat on the back for being the biggest idiot in the room.

Suddenly, before I can even realize it, my hands are pinned above me on the bed. Muichiro's in that same damn position we always find ourselves in, his knees on both sides of his body, and his other hand is being used to hold my chin. "Stop trying to act dumb. You lost the bet, and now you owe me."

I swallow a lump in my throat. Shit. Is this happening? I'm too young, I'm only fifteen!

He leans in, whispering into my ear. "You've been such a tease. Always taunting me, whispering those little remarks to me, going as far as indirectly kissing me. You're unlike anyone I've ever met, Y/N. So, what should I make the favor?" He pulls away, smiling sinisterly at me.

His hand is really fucking strong, it's able to hold both of my hands above my head. "I..."

"You?" He leans towards my other ear, continuing. "What should I make the favor, Y/N? Should I kiss you? Or make out with you? What about a hickey, ever heard of those? Or, what about proclaiming your love to me in front of the entire school? I could've been so fucking gentle with you, but no. You decided that you wanted to test me, and test my patience."

"How long have you known?" I break my silence.

"Ever since the second time you called me. You're kinda dumb, forgetting that I walk on the same street as you." Shit. I really didn't think about that. His grip is still really strong as he moves close to my neck. "I was jealous of Genya at the party. The way he got to touch your waist, your face, your hands, everything. I couldn't care less about what that stupid bitch Mae was trying to say."

I struggle against his grip. "This is really fucking humiliating."

"No, no. You were pretty confident over text. Talk your shit." He's unrelenting, even tightening his hold on my hands. "Tell me what you like about me. I want to hear it from you, real time. Go on."

The way his hair is perfectly framing is face, fuck. "The... The way you hold yourself..." I can't even speak, that's how flustered I am. My voice is literally shaky. "Your intelligence, how mysterious you are, your style..."

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