chapter 21

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"Obanai, what'd you think?"

"... How horrible. It reminds me of my childhood."

"I'm sorry, Obanai... Unfortunately, this part will touch up on some extremely touchy subjects."

"Is this another one of those warnings?"

"Yes, this chapter has some very serious topics. If you relate to Yuichiro in any way in this chapter, please talk to somebody. You are valued and loved, I love you. It's not your fault. Never was. Don't blame yourself over anything that happened."

"Let me turn on the system."


Hearing the doorknob rattle had my heart sinking.

I immediately pulled away from Muichiro, inching away from him to give us some space. It hurt, but my family can't know that he's my boyfriend.

My father reeks of alcohol as he enters my room. He's always had a drinking problem. His hands are balled up in fists as he looks at me.

"What's that thing on your neck?" He asked.

Thank goodness I burnt the shit out of it. "Straightener burn. I pulled my straightener too close to my neck, and it made a really bad burn."

"I always knew you were fucking stupid." He slurs, limping toward me.

This was never a good sign. It either meant he was gonna beat the shit out of me, or cuss me out. Either way, I'm always crying into my pillows at the end of it. Muichiro's presence offers me some sort of small comfort, but I know this won't last long.

His hand weakly points toward Mui. "Boy. Is she paying you? What is she offering to you?"

"Dad, not in front of the guests ple--"

"Shut it." A small chuckle falls from his lips. "I always knew you were a piece of shit, Y/N, but I never knew you would go as far as to sell yourself to one of your classmates. How disgusting."

"Sir." Muichiro stands up, pulling me behind him. "She didn't 'sell' herself to me. For you to suggest that towards your own daughter is profane and inapproppiate. The only thing she's paying me in is her cooking. I don't care if you're her father or not, but I think I've seen enough."

"So leave, then! Nobody's stopping you!" When he takes a step forward, Muichiro takes a step back. "Stop holding her behind you. I need to talk to her."

"I won't leave until I can guarantee Y/N's safety. Right now, you are putting her at risk." His intimidation skills must've been refined, because he's really scaring the shit out of me. "If you hit her, I won't stop myself from hitting you back."

My father's face curls into a snarl, an amused laugh leaving him. "And just who are you? Are you just trying to suck up to Y/N so you can get with her? Is that what it is?"

Muichiro sucks in a breath. "My name is Muichiro Tokito. Getting with her is the last thing on my mind. I value Y/N as a friend and seeing her in danger isn't exactly heartwarming. Please step away from her and I."

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