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"One time, Y/N started randomly giving me the silent treatment.

I didn't really know what to do with myself, and I just kinda awkwardly walked alongside Y/N as we were going home. She was on her phone scrolling through anything and everything.

I didn't know I did to upset her. I felt really bad of course, but I was just really confused. So, I poked her and asked her if she was okay. But, she just pulled out her earbuds and frowned.

I texted Tanjiro about it, and he got really upset at me. Asking me how I could be so dumb, stuff like that. He told me that I promised Y/N to go on a date with her today. I didn't have any memory of doing that at all.

Because of my history of having memory issues, I started panicking and freaking out. I wondered if I was losing my memory again or something.

Turns out, Y/N just wanted to go on a date with me but was too scared to ask, so she asked Tanjiro to help her out. She had to comfort me on the side of the road.

Why couldn't she just asked me? So, I gave her the silent treatment back.

She ended up taking me to her house, cooked me my favorite meal, bought candy for me, and stuff like that.

As soon as she was done running around and frantically pampering me, I asked her if she was ready to have our date now.

She flicked me on the forehead."


"Makomo brought a friend over to the house one day. His name was Sabito, or something. He was adorable! And he was a very obedient kid too. He insisted on helping me prepare lunch, set the table, stuff like that.

And then, another knock at the door came. I asked Makomo if this was another friend of hers, but she said that she only invited Sabito over. I opened the door, and Muichiro was there.

Muichiro insisted on hanging out with me that day, but I told him that I needed to make sure that Makomo and Sabito don't burn down the house or something. Sabito insisted on showing Makomo his kendo skills, and I didn't want him accidentally hurting someone or breaking anything.

That's when he told me he was good with kids so I was like, "I guess it's okay! Of course you can come in!".

Muichiro played several rounds of shogi with Sabito and Makomo and won every single round. I just watched in awe. However, Makomo and Sabito were not happy. The two of them whispered amongst each other before both of them grabbed a pillow and starting beating us up.

I am not kidding.

Mui grabbed me, gently pushing past Sabito, whispering something to himself. I have never seen him move so fast. He kinda reminded of like, a mist in some way. We both went tumbling to the floor.

Noticing that the two of them stopped beating the shit out of us, I heard Sabito ask Makomo if we were dating. Makomo kicked me. Hard.

And she started insulting us. I knew my sister was mean but not that mean.

Muichiro and Sabito seemed to really hit it off, though. So, that's good."


"I remember, on a date that Y/N and I went to, there was this one time a girl tried to flirt with me at a restaurant. I didn't like her, though. I thought her voice was annoying. Or maybe I've just grown too accustomed to Y/N's voice.

But, when I looked over, Y/N was glaring at her. I never took Y/N for the jealous type. But, she's really scary when she's angry. A lot of the stuff she told the girl was very passive aggressive, almost reminiscent of Kanao's older sister, Shinobu.

She would say stuff like, "it must be sad to be so desperate, I feel bad!" But at some point, she just told the girl off. The girl ran off after that, and Y/N apologized to me at least ten times for the way she acted.

Honestly, I thought it was kind of hot."


"I think I've said this before, but Mui is like a koala bear. Or, whatever animal hugs a tree really tightly. Whenever we cuddle, he's latched onto me.

Because of Muichiro's quiet demeanor at school, I originally thought that he hated PDA. But that day on the subway proved me dead wrong. So, I just accepted it.

One day, Mui just would not stop clinging to me. I didn't know what happened to cause him to do that, but I went along with it because I don't mind it.

Next thing I know he's kissing me. I was so confused. Like, really fucking confused. But then suddenly, he pulled away and looked to the right.

Turns out, there was a group of kids from our school looking at us. Muichiro could hear them talking about our sudden relationship, so he just started kissing me to make a statement.

He flipped them off."


"I always thought Muichiro was all bark no bite. I mean, come on, have you ever seen him fight before either?

I have a crush on Nezuko, Tanjiro's sister. Everyone knows that already. But, still, I can't help but appreciate women! I mean, look at them! They smell so nice when they pass by, it's a blessing to even look at them, they're heaven! Absolute heaven!

So, when I see Y/N looking especially pretty in casual streetwear, I have to appreciate her! So, all I said was some praises about her outfit, and Muichiro slapped me!"

"Zenitsu... you called her sexy... Also, what'd you say about my sister?"

"Sexy is a compliment!"

"That day was really funny."

"Shut it, Inosuke! Why are you even here?! Ow! Chiro, chill the fuck out!"

"Say that again, and I'll make your search history public."

"Now personally..."

"Shut it, Genya! Gosh!"

a/n: some lighter stuff to prepare you for whats going to happen next

i think you guys can guess what im going to say. STAY SAFE EAT FOOD DRINK WATER SLEEP WELL AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES ILYSMMM 💕

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