sleepover special!

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"Obanai~! Muichiro and Y/N just recorded some new stuff. I need to turn on the thingy-ma-jiggy!"

"Mitsuri. How long are you going to be doing this for?"

"Do you know how many people are following the tales of Muichiro and Y/N's relationship?! I'm getting so many views!"

"Mitsuri, you have yet to tell me what platform you're publishing this on."

"I'll tell you later! Now help me! Please!"



"Mui! You're here!" Y/N cheered. "Let me help you with your stuff."

"I got it, Y/N." He smiled, refusing to give me any of his bags. I should've persisted a bit more. It's kinda rude of me to make the guest carry their own bags!

We went up to my room, and Muichiro put all his things down onto the floor. "I've never been to a sleepover before."

"What?!" He hasn't? The poor guy. "Well, we're gonna have the best sleepover ever! So, no need to worry about that!"

"So, what do you have planned?" He sat down next to me, putting his head onto my shoulder.

"What kind of ice cream do you want, Mui?" I pointed at the menu.

He studied the menu, intensely looking through each option. "I'm trying to decide between matcha and mint chocolate chip..."

"You can get a double scoop! People do it all the time." I suggest. "One matcha and one mint for you!"

Pulling out my wallet, Muichiro stops me. "Wait. I'll pay."

"No. I'm the host, you're the guest. Ice cream is on me." I retaliate.

"Yeah, but I can't let you pay. You're my girlfriend." He pulls out his own wallet.

Sorry, Mui. But you're not paying for the damn ice cream.

I race to stand up and walk to the register, only for Muichiro to beat me to it.

Not on my watch.

I pull him back into his seat by his wrist, using my amazing skills, and rush up to the cashier.

"Can I have two cones of ice cream, please? Double scoop."

"Sure, what flavors?"

"One (your favorite ice cream flavor) and (other favorite ice cream flavor). And the other matcha and mint chocolate chip." I pull out the money.

Before I can give the money to the cashier, I feel myself being yanked backwards.

Oh shit.

Muichiro was kissing me.

Right in front of the cashier?!

It happened so quick, I barely had time to react when he pulled away and handed his cash over. The cashier gave us a weird look before beginning to get the ice cream.

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