chapter 23

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As I open the door to my house, I hold Makomo close. The door creaks open, reminiscent of a horror movie scene. It sends chills through my spine just to step in.

Their car is still in the driveway.

I can feel Makomo trembling. I still haven't asked what mom did to her while I was in my room, but something tells me it wasn't good. That and the smallest view of a bruise on her arm.

Mrs. Ubuyashiki walks in front of me. She slips her shoes off as she steps foot into the home.

"Careful. There's glass." She whispers as she points out a smashed bottle on the floor.

Muichiro follows hesitantly. Somehow, I can barely feel his presence. Like he completely disappeared. It's light, like mist.

My father is snoring on the couch. His arm dangles from the arm rest, a bottle loosely held in his hand. The television seems to be on and playing some sort of news channel.

It's sad to see the place I thought I could be safe in decomposed to this. Trash all over the floor, some of the decorations scattered and out of place...

It makes me wanna throw up.

The scent of alcohol wafts through the air as Mrs. Ubuyashiki carefully makes her way towards my father. "Could you please hand me a glass of water, dear?"

I nod and walk over to the kitchen. Muichiro keeps a watchful eye on Makomo and shoots me a reassuring look.

It makes me smile.

As I pour a glass full of water, I can hear the snoring stop. He must've awoken. I should probably hurry back.

But as soon as I hurry back, Mrs. Ubuyashiki is already talking to him.

"Are you Mr. L/N?"

"Who the hell are you?! What are you doing in my house?"

She takes the glass of water and hands it to him. "Hopefully this might help with sobering you up. Are you aware that is the middle of the day?"

"Did that bitch Makomo send you? Stupid... I knew I should've never sent those kids to school..." He grumbles.

A soft gasp leaves Mrs. Ubuyashiki. Her hand moves to gently nudge him. "We're going to have a talk. Is there any other parental figure in this house?"

"Our mother." Makomo replies. "No clue where she is, though. She doesn't typically get very drunk."

She nods. "Alright. As soon as your father sobers up, I need to talk to all of you. This includes anyone who witnessed the abuse. I'll call you back as soon as they're both ready."

Well, I guess that means we have lots of time on our hands.

Wait, didn't Mui mention that one comfort food restaurant? I wanna go there. Like, now.


"Is the curry rice good? I'd feel bad if I recommended a dish you both don't like." Muichiro asks.

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