chapter 27

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Good. I knew this system was buggy. Now fuck off.

You don't get anymore choices with this shit. Not after what they went through.


Cool. Stop trying to switch those stupid POVs. I'm not gonna let you anymore. Cry about it, I don't give two shits. In fact, you shouldn't even get the right to even complain about this.

I'm pretty sure Ms. Kanroji can just transcript everything later. I don't care anymore. Whatever the fuck I have to do to make them happy again, I'll do.

Even if that means hurting people.

Y/N's staring blankly at a poster when I walk into the school, those e/c eyes no longer as bright as they were usually. I thought I made at least some sort of progress after that whole supply closet incident, but I guess not.

What does it matter anyway? Hah, it'll be alright. I know it will. Y'know why? 'Cause I'm fucking Muichiro Tokito. Yeah. That's right. I beat the shit out of a pervert, stopped a guy from hurting Y/N, and was the reason why Y/N's pathetic excuse of a father passed out on the floor.

The floor of her room. How dare he taint her room like that? Their grubby hands screwing up her room. I hate them.

This new plan is gonna be a fucking masterpiece. I'm gonna solve the problem and make everyone happy again. "Y/N."

Y/N perks up at her name, her perfect lips curling into a smile as she looks up at me. "Mui."

Before she can even react, I pull her into a tight hug as I cradle the back of her head with my hand. "Can we talk after school? I wanna tell you something."

"Where?" She asks happily as she pulls away from me. Gosh, I love when she smiles at me like that. Even though I know it's a fake one.

"The field we usually sky-gaze at." I reply, cupping her cheek with my hand. "I feel like I kind of owe it to you."

"Huh? Why would you owe me?" Word vomit. Fuck. I didn't mean to say that last part. "Is something wrong, Mui? Running a fever?"

"No!" I didn't mean to say that so loud. "Just excited, of course."

"Oh, alright." Her dry response has me on edge. "Let's go to class then, Mui."

Whatever. I can fix this.



I look up at Ms. Kanroji, grimacing. "What?"

"Your pencil broke. You're writing too hard." Oh. I don't think I realized that.

Taking another pencil out of my pencil case, I sigh and look back at my paper. "Is everything alright?"

"Never been better." How could anything be bad? Come on, I'm about to make everyone feel better. I'm ecstatic. But she gives me this worried look before returning to the front.

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