chapter 31

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I feel guilty. Really guilty.

As I walk into the house, a darkness surrounds me as the faint glow and sounds from a television fill the room. Must be Muichiro. So, I trade my shoes in for my slippers and walk inside.

But, that's not just my brother on the couch.

That's Y/N, carefully braiding his hair as he sleeps on her lap. I think that means they patched things up. I'm surprised they did it so fast.

She looks at me like a deer in headlights. "Oh, shit. I'm sorry." She whispers.

Why is she sorry? "Don't be. Did Muichiro apologize?"

"At least ten times." How'd she forgive him so easily? This isn't something to be taken lightly, y'know. "You were right. Seems like he's consistently having panic attacks."

"Why'd you forgive him?" I ask. "He hurt you."

Y/N looks at my brother fondly, finishing up the braid before pinning it with a hair tie. "Because I know Muichiro would never hurt me out of anger or frustration; out of malicious intent. He was too scared to even lay a finger on me out of fear of 'hurting me' or something."

"Still, he hurt you." I plop myself down on the sofa perpendicular to the long couch the two of them are sitting on. Muichiro's resting peacefully right now.

"On accident." She responds. "Unless you're some perfect, flawless being, you have no right to judge him."



She has a point, doesn't she? Don't answer that. "I know. It's just clear he's not in a good place mentally."

"I can bring Makomo tomorrow, if you want?" She offers. "It's pretty clear that he was happy when everyone was together and doing dumb things. It would be a nice break from all the stress."

That's... actually a good idea? Muichiro seemed to be smiling nonstop that one day we all cooked breakfast for each other. "That's a good idea, Y/N. However, I think we all need to talk before we move onto the fun stuff."

"Oh, right." Y/N lets out a small sigh as she gently traces circles on Muichiro's back. Muichiro looks kinda stupid right now, the side of his head resting on her lap as his right arm dangles off the couch. "I don't know why he feels like he's a burden or feels useless."

"I..." That might be my fault. I swallow a lump in my throat as I look up at her. "I might've been a bit too hard on him. But, that was only when he tried helping me. I never mentioned how I had to... y'know."

"I get it." She whispered. "You have a right to be angry, considering you had to spend your entire childhood mourning."

"No, you don't." I spat. "You didn't spend your entire childhood taking care of your younger sibling and being robbed of your free ti--"

I fucked up.

That's literally the exact thing she's been doing since Makomo was born. "I'm sorry. I forgot."

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