The Past & Present

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Jisoo's POV

I sat in my apartment that overlooked the lake.

It was quiet and serene.

I hadn't had that in a while.

My divorce to my husband, Hae-In had been messy.

We had been in love. Dated for a 2 years and married for 3.

I can still remember the fight clearly.


Hae-In had walked in late into the night and his hair was a mess and his tie was pulled out, his dress shirt unbuttoned to reveal a few inches of skin.

I was sitting at the dining table, completely furious.

"What the hell?! It's 1 in the morning! I stayed up for you and—"

"What Jisoo?" He swallowed, his eyes showing pain.

I blinked and shook my head. "What's wrong? I thought we were doing fine until now. We even celebrated our 3rd anniversary last week!"

He chuckled but it lacked the charm and warmth he normally had.

He threw his jacket onto a chair.

"Where's the purse?"

I frowned. "What purse?"

He glared. "Jisoo..." he sighed and closed his eyes.

"You don't have to hide things from me."

I looked away with a guilty expression.

I wrapped my hands around the back of my neck I'm anxiousness.

He pinched his eyes. "I know you're rich Jisoo. Even before becoming an actress and making a name for yourself. I know you have money. You can spend it however you want."

I looked back at him. "I know that you don't like it when I show off my wealth and I'm sor—"

"I'm completely fine with it! I'm just...."

He waved his hands exasperatedly. "I think you should quit acting."

I widened my eyes and stood up quickly. "What?!"

He tightened his jaw. "We barely see each other anymore! People at my work are hounding me and you're barely home for me to come to!"

"So? You want me to fucking give up my dream so that I can be some fucking housewife all alone in this goddamn house?!"

I took steps forward but his determined gaze didn't change.

"Why do I have to give up my dream for you?! I'm the one making all the money here and—"

A muscle jumped in his jaw.

I was shocked.

I took a step back and placed my hands on my hips.

"Please tell me you aren't....jealous...of my success...."

He didn't say anything but continued to stare at me.

I scoffed and turned back to him. "So you have some sort of inferiority complex when it comes to me?! Rather than support my are listening to those fucking jerks at your office?!"

"And they're right!" He shouted back. "Why can't I be as good as you?! Why can't I be your equal?! Why am I always referred to as Jisoo's husband?! I have a life! I want things too! I am not just Famous Actress Jisoo's husband! I am Hae-In, fucking Gold Medalist Lawyer! BUT NO! THAT GETS OVER SHINED BECAUSE MY WIFE IS AMERICA'S FUCKING SWEETHEART!"

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