The Human Equivalent Of Frustration

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Jisoo's POV

I sat at the script reading.

I was early like usual.

Lisa came in a few minutes after me with panting breaths.

"How...How the you get here so fast?"

I smiled at my assistant. "It's called being punctual, honey."

Lisa scowled. "Don't 'honey' me just because I'm your assistant."

I chuckled and sat in the chair with my notecard.

Slowly everyone started filing in and I was excited to see everyone again...

Except Dan. Anyone but Dan.

I did, however, notice that everyone seemed to be restless....waiting for something.

And I knew exactly who.

Levi walked in with a grin and sat at the head of the square-ish shape that the tables had been made into.

I looked back at Lisa texting on her phone before I sighed and looked at the seat next to mine with the place card, "Jennie Kim", in big, bold black letters.

Suddenly everyone looked up with a smile as Jennie walked in.

She was wearing a jean jacket and a tight fitting shirt with dark blue jeans. Her eyes were covered with sunglasses and her hair was down in dark waves.

She smiled as she came closer and pulled out the chair next to me.

She sat down and pulled off her sunglasses and shrugged off her jacket, placing the it on her lap.

She nodded to everyone and I still stared at her.

She looked back at me with a wide smile. "Jennie Kim. I heard we're going to be working together. I saw a few of your clips online. They made my day!"

I tightened my jaw. She's so fake.

I lightly shook her hand and pulled away to look at my script.

I saw her smile falter a bit before she nodded with regained energy and looked at the script too.

I flipped through episode one, searching for my character and sighed when I saw that the first scene would be with Jennie.

I texted to Lisa: FML


1 month later...

We were ready to film. And I was excited to get back into character again.

I looked behind the makeup artist to see my signature doctor's coat that I loved a lot.

I smiled. Whenever the show ends, I'm going to steal the jacket.

"Alright. You're done!" She smiled and left the trailer quickly.

I smiled and went to my jacket, pulling it on and setting myself into character as I walked onto set where the makeshift hospital hallway had been created to shoot mine and Jennie's first scene with Dan.

I saw her standing on her mark; her hair pulled into a bun with a few strands framing the sides of her face, minimal makeup and dressed in turquoise scrubs.

I came closer and stood on my mark, completely ignoring her.

We stood there, waiting for the cameras to get ready when she said, "Good morning."

I looked at her.

And nodded.

I turned away.

I heard her say, " there...are you not feeling well?"

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