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Happy 100 Followers! 😉❤️
(Jisoo POV)

I sat across from her "new date" with a smile.

My character had waited 4 months for Samantha to get back to her and she knew at the 3rd month that she was ghosted.

Ningning sat across from me.

A short-term actress that was acting with me until Samantha finally comes in again.

The first episode had been about Finding each other and Passion.

Although, it probably wasn't clear in the actions and movements we did, Diana is going to have Jennie and I voiceover scenes of us missing each other in Episode 2.

Which is properly named: Missing You.

The episode shows a series of parallel scenes where Samantha and Natalie missing each other, not being able to forget the other woman. As if to show that fate somehow intervened and pushed them together.

Like the Korean myth about the red string that will lead you to your soulmate.

They had found each other but the problem is if they will stay together or not.

Obviously, they're going to stay together.

We shot those scenes for a month. It was pleasurable month in which I didn't have to see Jennie or interact with her character. Except the the night at the bar, I haven't seen her.

And then we lead into episode 3 where Samantha will finally come back.

Bringing them together is the point of episode, which what we're going to film.

"Hello? Anyone home?"

I blinked and looked at Ningning who was smiling widely and waving her hand in front of my face.

They had specially casted Ningning because of her resemblance to Jennie so that it would show how much Natalie misses her but....

I don't see it.

Ningning's hair is darker than Jennie's brunette waves. Her eyes too rounded while Jennie's were a cat eye shape. Her lips a bit too full. Her nose bridged inward.

And most of all, she didn't have Jennie's gummy smile.

I shook my head. What the hell am I doing?!

I smiled back at her. "Nothing. I just...I was thinking about something."

She smiled. "Must've been something nice. You had a small smile on your face. It looked dreamy. Girlfriend?"

I widened my eyes. "WHAT?! NO! NO GIRLFRIEND!"

She leaned back at my outburst and all the crew members around us, stared at me in shock.

I cleared my throat. "I-I don't...I don't have any girlfriend. I was just...thinking about...chicken."

Ningning burst out laughing. "OH MY GOD! I DIDN'T EXPECT YOU TO SAY THAT!"

I smiled back and tilted my head.

(Jennie POV)

I stared through the window of the coffee shop where we were filming.


I shrieked as I spun around and saw Lisa smile at me.

I rolled my eyes and rubbed my forehead.

She smirked. "You scare very easily. Even at the bar—"

I glared at her and she shrugged.

"I enjoyed seeing you in casual wear. It's not everyday that you see a pop star in sweats and wiry glasses with a oversized baseball cap."

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