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Continuing from Jisoo's scene in the previous chapter:
(Jisoo POV)


Lisa stopped jumping up and down and waved a hand in front of my face.

I closed my jaw. "Did you just say Diana Lansdale wants me in her new TV show?"

Lisa nodded and grinned eagerly. "I was just on the phone with her! She wants to speak with you! This Friday at the club!"

I was completely speechless. "Didn't you just tell me we'll have to look for work and THE Diana Lansdale wants me to now be part of her HIGHLY anticipated series?!"

Lisa nodded like bobble head. "YES! YES!"

I stood up and hugged her before pulling away. "AHHHHHH!"

I jumped up and down and screamed.

"Did she mention anything?!" I asked.

"She said she really liked your chemistry with Jennie and she think you would be a good fit for the lead but she wants to meet you!"

I widened my eyes and screamed again. "OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! WHAT THE HELL?! This could change the trajectory of my career!"

Lisa nodded again and clapped her hands. "I KNOW! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!"

I held her hands tightly. "Did she say who she has in mind for the second lead?"

Lisa shook her head. "She didn't mention anything except that she has an idea and will meet with both of you on Friday."

"What's it about?"

Lisa shrugged. "I don't know but she said it's like an emotional romance limited series."

I nodded. "When am I meeting her?"

She flicked a finger onto my forehead. "Hello?! I mentioned it 2 times! FRI-DAY!"

I widened my eyes. "THAT'S 2 DAYS FROM NOW!"

"I KNOW!" She held my shoulders and rubbed them.

"Calm down Jisoo. We need to be the 3 C's."

I raised an eyebrow.

She smiled and kept rubbing my shoulders. "Calm, Cool and Collected."

I nodded. "I can do Calm—"

"Not Cool."

I glared at her.

"—and Collected."

Lisa stepped back and glanced at me. "We need to do some updating if you want to be cool."

I grabbed one of the couch pillows and threw it at her.

(Jennie POV)

My door bell rang.

"Hello? Jennie?"

I widened my eyes.

I pulled up the security app on my phone and saw Diana Lansdale standing in front of the camera.

I gripped the phone hard and looked at the time.

It's 8:30 at night!

I tapped on the speaker button.

I swallowed. "Ms.Lansdale?"

She smiled and pushed her face into the camera. "So you are at home! Let me in. I need to speak with you."

I nodded. "Okay. Give me a minute."

I ran from my bedroom down the stairs and to the front door.

I smiled as I opened the door.

She stepped in and wrapped me into a hug.

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