The Human Equivalent Of A Bitch

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Scene they are shooting in here is based off an SNL skit called: "Waking Up" with Pedro Pascal
Video is above! ☝️
Jisoo's POV

I walked around set, waiting for the scene to be shot. Today is the last day I have to shoot with Jennie. I can do this!

Jennie was supposed to be here about 15 minutes ago because I was supposed to brief her on keeping a straight face.

But as I expected, she's going to fuck up the scene.

I just shook my head and went to my mark, scrolling through my phone absentmindedly.

Jennie came running in with her hair flying behind her, the minimal makeup she had to put on and her scrubs outfit.

She was panting but I just kept looking at me. She came in front of me.

"J-Jisoo...I'm...I'm sorry that I'm late. Had to...had to sprint between trailers a lot."

I shrugged and didn't look at her. "Who cares? Do whatever you want." I clicked on an email and started reading it.

Jennie stood with her mouth gaped. "What?"

I blinked but still didn't look at her. "Just go. Do your thing. We'll see how it goes."

I heard her mutter under her breath, "Arrogant jerk."

I looked at her sharply. "What did you say?"

She gave a fake sweet smile. "Nothing. You do your thing. I'm sure you have a lot of emails to check that aren't just your Amazon account."

I glared at her as she walked off beyond the doors she was supposed to run from for the scene.

After 5 minutes, we were ready.

Levi said, "Alright folks! Jennie's brother shifted to coma after being a week away in another hospital! ACTION!"

Tracy came bursting through the doors, shouting, "DOCTORS! WE NEED HELP! MY BROTHER CAME OUT OF HIS COMA!"

Everyone came rushing in and Scott stood beside the doctor while Miranda stood next to Tracy, being the ever present mentor.

Her bother, Adam, looked around and saw his wife, Coralina....before promptly fainting into sleep again.

Coralina looked at the doctor taking care, Dr.Stevens.

"Doctor! I can't believe this!" She shouted with a worried tone. "How long has my husband been awake?!"

Dr.Stevens sighed heavily. "Since this morning. And please call me Dr.Stevens." He nodded and glanced at Adam who had gone back for brief sleep who was mumbling.

"He's still very weak after the coma, but it seems like he wants to speak."

"Oh my god." Miranda touched her hand to her heart, feeling the emotion.

One of the extras for one episode had been brought in. He stood beside Tracy and said with a sniffle, "I thought I lost my best friend."

Tracy nodded looking like she was on the verge of tears. "Th-This is a miracle!"

She wiped away a fake tear and gasped. "Look! He's waking up!"

Coralina bent down and said sweetly, "Adam, Hey, it's me. Welcome back."

Adam looked at her in confusion, drawing away. "Oh Mah Gahd!"
(Oh my God!)

Everyone blinked.

He looked around. "Where Ahm Ah?"
(Where am I?)

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