Wake Up

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A/N: In light of popular demand, I will add which POV it is
(Jisoo POV)

1 week later....

Tomorrow is going to be the debut of the 6th season.

Aaron congratulated me and said that he's super excited to see it with his husband.

I don't watch the show.

I haven't seen a whole episode.

Maybe clips here and there but never a whole episode.

If you were an artist and you did something, you would keep fixing it until it's perfect.

With acting, I can't do that. I only have a certain number of takes to complete something. And especially on TV shows, there is an even tighter schedule.

So instead of staying up to watch the show...

I went to bed.

Thinking about Jennie.

I groaned into my pillow.

Jennie is...

Jennie is everything I wish I was.

Confident. Smart. Badass.....


I covered the pillow over my head.

I had only ever seen her in her scrubs costume and I didn't go to her concerts or paid attention to her before she came on the show so when she showed up in that tight fitting maroon dress, her hair flying behind her as she walked to me with a determined gaze...

It was so hot.

I'm still blushing thinking about it.

Of course I covered it up for the rest of the night....

Or tried to anyways...

She was too pretty. Too beautiful.

But I kept her at a distance.

And I knew why. I needed to remember that.

"This career was a complete waste! I don't get why I have fans! All my fans are useless!"

I rubbed my face and felt an oncoming headache start to form.


Why did you come into my life again?

(Jisoo POV)

When I woke up the next day at the foot of my bed, drooling, with my legs hanging off the bed and facing the ceiling, I quickly wiped my mouth and drank some water before opening my phone.

There were a lot of clips that I was being tagged in and lots...and lots... AND LOTS OF FAN EDITS?!

I clicked on one of them and it was with a sexy TikTok audio.

I kept staring at it because there was a blank screen before suddenly scenes of me with Jennie came with various transitions.

I widened my eyes and looked at the rest of...

Oh my fuck!

There are hundreds and they just keep increasing!

Soon there are going to be thousands of edits of me and Jennie.

I called Lisa. Because something I failed to mention was that Lisa was my publicist, agent and assistant all rolled in one. My agency said they couldn't afford a those 3 for just a TV star.

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