Trying and Failing Pt.2

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A/N: Hope you all enjoy this part! 😉
1) If you forget what's happening, I suggest reading the last 5ish paragraphs of the last chapter
2) If you're confused why Natalie and Samantha's names aren't replacing Jennie's and Jisoo''s because they're not acting.

I think this classifies as: 🔞
But not entirely sure
(Jennie POV)

I blew out a breath.

It's okay Jennie. Jisoo just followed a script.

Yup. The script definitely called for that ending part.

Which I was not ready for because she looked sexy as hell when she danced with me.

My fingers could still feel the memory of her hips underneath them.

I played with my fingers anxiously. This isn't going to be good.

I looked back Jisoo who seemed to be in some sort of daze before she walked over.

I tried to not be awkward but Jisoo had a way of vanishing all of it from the spot.

"Don't flatter yourself in thinking I added it in because I was attracted to you. Diana told me it would be a good addition and it would be easier to get a genuine surprised reaction out of you."

Diana came over and squeezed Jisoo's shoulder. "Good job." Then she turned to me.

"I hope you weren't too shocked Jennie. It translated well to camera if you—" she glanced at me and Jisoo "—both would like to see."

We nodded and watched as the bar scene played out.

I have to admit. It' to watch. Especially with us bantering off one another.

The dance scene was its own thing and I'm not going to talk about it.

Jisoo leaned bent over my back slightly to see better and I felt heat crawl up my cheeks at the warmth of her body.

I felt my neck, which she had gripped not even 10 minutes ago as we danced sensually, heat up from the proximity.

Everything translated to the camera and Diana simply said, "Perfect! I don't think we need another take! We'll just have to take both scenes for closeups."

Then she pulled out her megaphone and Jisoo and I covered her ears.


She pulled the megaphone away and we uncovered our ears.

I turned to Jisoo. "So..."

She didn't even look at me and said, "You heard Diana. It has to be natural. We aren't going to rehearse."

I nodded and she crossed her arms over her chest.

We waited for a few minutes and someone came to take us back to set for the scene.

We had filmed in an actual club and paid for the space so a driver came to take us back to set as everyone moved.

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