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Jennie's POV

I stepped away from the bed and draped the covers over her shoulder.

I tightened my jaw and sighed as I looked at her blonde hair covering the pillow.

I pressed a kiss to her shoulder and picked up my clothes that were scattered around the room from our urgency.

I pulled on my underwear and pants. As I clasped my bra back on, the woman groaned and seemed to reach for where I was.

I quickly pulled my shirt on and walked closer to the bed.

Her eyes slightly opened and she gave a dreamy smile.

I smiled back and kissed her forehead. "Thank you Roseanne," I whispered.

She sighed. "Are you leaving already?"

I smiled. "I'll get home safe. Don't worry."

She held my face. "Bye Jennie. It's late be careful."

I smiled and kissed her forehead again. "We'll meet up for coffee again."

She nodded and snuggled back into her bed.

I slowly went out of the bedroom and locked myself out as I went to my car.

Roseanne was a close friend. We had a brief fling but found out we were much better as friends. We slept together on occasion but it wasn't a big deal. It wasn't like we were cheating on anyone or doing anything wrong. We had good sexual chemistry and she was the only person I kept in contact with after a relationship.

When I first proposed the idea of friends with benefits, I told it would be a good idea only if she was comfortable with it and if she said no, then I wouldn't ask again or bring it up ever. Roseanne agreed after thinking about it for a few days. She asked if it would affect our friendship and I just swore over my foster mother.

She knew I was serious.

And that's how we've been for 3 months.

My friendship with her was the purest thing I have ever had. And I didn't care about paparazzi or anything from the tabloids when they were just assuming and spreading rumors.

Unlike everyone else, Roseanne wasn't fake. She was genuine and talked to me honestly. Truthfully. That was of the things I loved most about her.

She had fallen in love with another woman on first sight. She told me that day and I was so happy for her. Lisa was a woman who visited Roseanne's coffee shop everyday. She was an assistant of some sort and Roseanne has not been able to ask her for her number.

She had someone to cry out to pleasure for.

I had no one.

I sighed and turned on the blinker to drive into the driveway and park it there.

I got out and locked the car, walking up the long driveway and entering my house.

People asked why I didn't buy a mansion with the amount of money I had but I liked my little cottage in the woods, away from everything.

I walked up to my room and fell into the bed.

"I'm so tired." I groaned out to no one in particular.

I covered my face with my arm and closed my eyes.

The girl standing outside my private room with heart broken eyes. Pen and paper on the ground.

I sat up and uncovered my eyes. I swallowed, feeling the ache in my heart like I always did.

I covered my face.

God...that girl's face still haunts me to this day.

I swallowed and laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"I thought that if I was famous then I could have more freedom and feel more...alive. So why do I feel trapped and...and suffocated?"

I pulled the blanket over me and covered myself.

I opened my phone and scrolled through my Instagram.

I wasn't supposed to look at comments because that will just make my self-esteem lower but on my feed, came a clip of Jisoo on the show. I hadn't seen the show but I knew it like a comedy of errors type of thing mixed with loads of drama.

"Dr.Parks? I have to tell you something."

Jisoo turned around in her medical outfit, her dark hair flipping over her shoulder.

Wow...she really is pretty. Scratch that. Gorgeous. Of course I had seen pictures of her but that's all they were...pictures.


The nurse bit her lip. "I think I lost it."

She blinked. "What did you lose?"

The nurse groaned. "My engagement ring! I think it fell...in...while we were in surgery."

I widened my eyes and burst out laughing at Jisoo's shocked expression and jaw hanging open.

I clutched the phone to my chest and kept laughing until I was nearly crying.

"Oh my god! I can't! That was so funny! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!"

I kept laughing before I slowly calmed myself down and looked at the video that was repeating.

I watched it again and again. I had a smile on the whole time and it made me feel warm and happy after so long.


To be continued 😉

A/N: All of you might be a little...little bit shocked about Chaennie. But I will let you guys know that it is NOT anything that will lead to something or cause overwhelming drama. I promise you that much. Just follow along and read.

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