The Human Equivalent Of Hate

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I sat in hair and makeup while taking deep breaths.

I only have to endure another 3 months of Jisoo.

My scenes weren't that frequent but they were spread out over the course of the filming schedule.

They tried to explain it to me the technical stuff but I just smiled and nodded.

I really only needed to know when to come and what to read. The why is irrelevant.

I only had about 4 important scenes with Jisoo while the rest are smaller bits that aren't as significant to my character.

The scene for today is to try and push Tracy out of her shell and Miranda is going to do most of it; I just had to base my reactions off of her.

Jisoo didn't want to rehearse so our movements were probably going to be improv.

I sighed and put on my scrubs.

I pulled my hair into the haphazard bun and pulled out a few strands to make it looked like I was working. The makeup artist placed small drops of water on the edges of my hair that met my face to make it look like I was sweating.

She chuckled. "I never thought I would do makeup for THE Jennie Kim. Such a dream come true!"

I smiled at her. "Do you want an autograph?"

She chuckled and shook her head. "I'm just in awe. Love your music but I can't get autographs from everyone I know. I'll just buy more of your music to support you."

I smiled and gave her a light hug. "Thank you."

I left the trailer and walked onto set with a big smile, feeling lighter and more free than before.

I smiled up at the sun and the bright blue sky.

There were giant clouds and I loved every second of the beautiful day.

"Whatcha so happy about?"

I repressed a groan and smiled unenthusiastically at me nemesis. "Hi, Jisoo."

She gave a fake smile. "Not nice to see you too Jennie. You can drop the act." She rolled her eyes and we walked into Miranda's Parks office while I tried my best not to strangle her.

Choke her to death?


Maybe a good old fashioned suffocation?

Oh! I know! I can push her into a room with someone and she can let out her bitchy attitude! Then that way she won't have to drain the
ever-loving energy out of me!

Maybe Jisoo should write a book. 101 ways to annoy a person enough to kill you.

I would read it.

Then perform those 101 ways.

I groaned as I went on set and sat Jisoo speaking with Levi. A small smile on her face.

Someone called her name and turned around with a wide smile, erupting her face in delight.

You know she's actually really pretty when she's not being a bitch.

I widened my eyes and chided myself, Where the hell did that come from?!

I don't like Jisoo.

But I can admit that she looks pretty and has a killer body.

Even if she's the devil incarnate. I can't handle her and her constant anger and mood swings.

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