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•┈┈┈••✦ Aqua Pov ✦••┈┈┈•

I was thinking of a plan to prevent Ruby from becoming an idol until I heard my door open.

"Aqua, I have a gift for you! Just now me and Y/N did a karaoke night!" Ruby exclaimed

I asked her 'what does that have to do with me' then she walked over to me with a blushing face it's probably from Y/N. What did my beautiful best friend do this time?

"Look! I got pictures of her changing! Her body look's amazing!" my face then turned into a tomato, She is. . . . I couldn't. . . This is wrong. . . But it's okay, as long as she doesn't find out!

"Your right, she is perfect, Everything about her is perfect, and if someone says otherwise. . . Then we kill them."

Ruby only had a closed eye'd smile and nodded. "Y/N should only look at our direction, we was raised with her. She belongs to us and us only."

"Oh yeah, I might as well give it too you before I forget." Ruby looked at me with excitement, maybe she's excited for the gift I'm gonna give her.

I pulled out the present then gave it to her
"Oh my god, you didn't." She said, I
nodded at her and she gave me a very tight hug. "Wait but how did you get Y/N's panties?" She asked

"Oh, she was getting rid of some clothes, and I offered her some help. She had all her useless clothes in a pile. So I went over there to get some and saw some of her panties. So I took some and decided to give it to you for a gift." I explained

"Well thank you!" Ruby exclaimed, I was working while Ruby was basically smelling Y/N's panties And moaning.

"Ahh~~ They smell just like Y/N! I should steal her bra's next! So she can walk around the house without a bra! And then I'll hug her 24/7 so that I could feel her chest collide with mine! Ahhh~ just imagining it turns me on!!" Ruby was basically a blushing and wet mess.

"If your gonna do this, please go in your room. . . . Although I get why your acting like this. It's still a bit weird coming from you." I commented "Urg, what are you working on that's so important?" Ruby asked "Not telling you."

Ruby only grunted then left. But then ran back in when she forgot her treasure; Y/N undergarments. I wonder if she'll share? Most likely not.
•┈┈┈••✦ Y/N Pov ✦••┈┈┈•

"Miyako–" I was cut off from her glare that she was giving me "Ah– I mean 'Mom' I'm going to go to the cafe. Hope you don't mind." I said "Oh no hon, you can go!" She smiled

Before she could change her mind, I walked out the door. You know sometimes parent's change their mind at the last minute.

After walking for about, Ten minutes, I finally saw it. But then I heard a gasp behind me, then a groan in pain. So then I turned around, and saw a blue haired girl, with medium hair, and blue eyes.

"Um, Miss, are you okay, want some help? Or do you got it." I asked as I put my hand out.

She then looked opened her mouth and looked at me, but the thing is. . . She didn't say anything. She just stared at me, wide eye'd, Is this women okay?

"Oh, Um, Yeah?" She grabbed my hand then blushed. I'm hoping this girl is just embarrassed. "I'm Akane Kurokawa! Nice to meet you and thank you. Um, are you going to that cafe?" She asked

I could tell her, but I don't know her. She's pretty but it's always the pretty and nice looking ones that be trying to get into something and try to get busy.

"Well, I'm heading there! If your going there. How about I repay you and buy you a drink? Or breakfast?" Akane asked me

". . . . . . . No, I feel bad about using a random persons money." I denied "PLEASE! I mean, please?, it's the least I could do." I don't know why she's doing this, all I did was just help her up. Someone or she could've done that.

"Okay, Fine. Come on." I said. I heard her do a slight squeal behind me. Then began jogging a bit towards me. We finally got inside of the cafe, and then ordered something, And then finally sat down.

"Oh, we should exchange phone numbers! Maybe we could chat sometime?" Akane asked "Oh. . . well, okay. Why not?"

For the next 2 hours me and Akane has been getting to know each other. And no we didn't just stay at a cafe for 2 hours. We actually went on walks.

But from the corner of my eye, I would see blonde hair. But then it would go away. . . . I'm not stupid, and they know that, I'm guessing the blonde hair I would see is Ruby, and Aqua is with her.

It's obvious, I mean one time is probably just someone else. But about 10 times. Nah. After akane left, I went into the alleyway where I could see them.

"You know Ruby and Aqua, spying on me is very weird." I said "You knew?!" Ruby exclaimed "Of course I did! How could I not?" I asked

"Well, Y/N, who was that girl that you we're with almost all morning?" Aqua asked "Um. . . . A newfound friend?" I said

"Y/N, You won't replace us with this 'Newfound friend' right? We're you number one?" Ruby asked "I would never!" I smiled

Ruby, Aqua, and I then went home. Ruby asked she could kiss me. I was shocked at the request but then she told me that's normal, and it shows that she really cares about me as a friend.

I said yes but of course was setting some boundaries. I let her kiss me on the face cheek and would let her give me a peck on the lips.

She asked if we could wash together. But that was a no. I may be her best friend, but I still feel uncomfortable showing my body.
•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•

Me and Ruby was in my bed cuddling and her occasionally giving me pecks on the lips. I been thinking about this recently, but, Ruby has been more intimate with me recently.

I already know that she likes me. I mean it's so obvious, Asking to cuddle, following me around, always wanting to see my body, blushing when I hug her. I mean what best friend does that?

I don't know about Aqua thought, He's extremely good at hiding his feeling's, he also spy's on me but it's hard knowing if he gets dragged along with Ruby or if he just does it.

I'm not dense. I know Ruby liked me, Kana might have liked me, Akane likes me because when she looks at me she blushes. What am I? A women catcher?

I just don't know if Aqua likes me. . . It's hard telling his feeling, especially if he doesn't smile.
•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•

I'm shocked this story grew this fast, it's more popular then some of the stories that was always out. . . . Should I think about that? But thank you for the love and support, I feel so motivated to update this book! I also appreciate the compliments you all give me!

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