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Hey uhhh. . . Yeah. . . Been a while, hasn't it? Sorry everyone. I've been busy with school, having writers block, having no motivation, and I haven't really been home. Ya'know. . . But here's a Christmas Day special! It's gonna be rushed sadly (〒︿〒) Merry Christmas!

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ Y/N POV ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

"Okay. Christmas outfits check. Decorations check. Friends coming over. . . Again check!" Tomorrow is Christmas!! I'M EXCITED! My hair is done. And I already have an outfit for tomorrow. I just gotta—

"Y/N can you get the door!" Miyako yelled from the kitchen. "GOT IT!" I walked out of my room and went to the door then opened it.

"Kana! MEM-cho! Hey besties!" I greeted the two. "Hey Y/N! Nice to see ya!" Kana said.
I see Ruby run out her room and then grabbed Kana's Wrist and then drag her away.

"Huh. I wonder what's up with those two." MEM-cho said "Maybe their planning something." I nodded.

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ KANA POV ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

"What do you want Ruby?" I said with a attitude. The audacity to drag me away while I was talking to Y/N! "Kana. I challenge you! I want to see who Y/N's favorite is! Although its me. I wanna make sure." Ruby challenge me.

"Pardon?" I said "It's sudden yes but—" Before she could say anything else. "No! Pardon you for thinking that Y/N loves you more than me! She clearly loves me more!" I cutted her off.

"So challenge accepted? Make the best girlfriend win. Kana."
I did everything I could to take Y/N's attention away from Ruby. But clearly Ruby is doing the same.

"Y/N! I love your hair!" I said
"Just her hair? Can you not see the full picture? She's amazing in anything!" Ruby said
"Y/N want some of my food?" Ruby said
"No Y/N have mine!" I said
This has been going on for about an hour.... But it'll be worth it! Next event is gift giving! Its my time to shine!

"Okay everyone gather around in a circle so we could gift give. Also please don't have ANYTHING inappropriate." Aqua said

"Okay." We all said simultaneously. "First is Ruby." I glared at her. I swear, if she cheats and/or sabotage me. I will fucking kill her.

"My gift is for Y/N! Here you go babe!" THAT FUCKING WHORE! "Thanks bestie!" Y/N opened the box and she saw a new cosplay. "AWWW Thank you Ruru!!" I wanna kill Ruby.

"Next is MEM-" "Wait! I wanna go next please!" I interrupted Aqua. "Fine. Go ahead." Yes!

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ RUBY POV ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

Let's see what little Cherry got for my queen. "My gift id for My bestie!" Kana pointed at Y/N.
"Thank you!" Y/N opened the box and found a new microphone. Oh that bitch!

"OH MY GOSH! THANK YOU KANA!" She laughed. Next is MEM-Cho. "Since I didn't know who to get a gift for. I decided to give everyone a gift!" MEM-cho said.

I opened my gift and saw a pretty shooting star hairclip. And Ruby got a star hairclip. Aqua got a small fish. And Y/N she got a. . . (Favorite breed) dog (sorry if you like VC cats more or you don't like either, or etc)

"OH MY GODDD! MEM-CHO!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! MWA MWA MWA MWA MWA MWA!" Y/N gave MEM-cho and her puppy 10 kisses each. . . . You gotta be kidding me.


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