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I already have the Digital circus book ready

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I already have the Digital circus book ready. I just gotta wait until everyone mak their decision so that I can make the description. The poll will be down by either this Wednesday or Friday. Or maybe next Monday. No stress but PLEASE make a choice. I beg, if there's not enough I might have to result to choosing my own ending, love interest, and stuff. But I wanna make it good for everyone After this chapter or before you read the chapter, please go to the poll/last chapter.

(Longest note I made yet. Other then full A/N's.)

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ recap ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

"And that's how I became friends with Minami here!"
"Oh sorry! I just . . . Never seen someone so beautiful in my whole life. . . And your bust size, a-are you a model?"
"Hey I know you, your the guy who worked with Y/N in the 'sweets today' episode."
"To put together a proper group, we have to hire a skilled scout and go through a number of formalities. After all, I'm having trouble finding cute girls."
"Me and Aqua know someone, She has a cute face! One top of being a free Lancer, she doesn't have much work considering how well known she is!"

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ KANA POV ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

Glossy hair that is well cared for.

I walked down the halls with no smile on my face. . . Like almost always. . .

A baby face that hasn't lost its innocence.

Two girls called me and I turned around to face them. One had long brown hair while the other had short dark brown hair that almost looks like black.

A personality reminiscent of an airhead. . .

I didn't want to seem rude to I answered their question with a smile on my face. And clapped my hands together and closed my eyes. . .

Usual me. . . .

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ Y/N POV ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

Me and Aqua deadpanned at Ruby as she spy'ed on Kana talking to, two girls. "Based on my experience of following idols for years! She's the type of girl who would be crazy in love with hardcore Otaku!!" Ruby exclaimed

I shook my head at Ruby. "I don't much like your perspective or analysis. If it seems she'll be popular, it's all good."
"Why not at least try asking cherry?"

"Well I get both of your points. . . But, you know, Loli-senpai and I have a rather unusual relationship. Right?" "You do"

I only pulled out my phone and saw I got a text message from someone. Miyako text me asking if I wanted anything for my birthday. "Aww. . ." I texted back saying I will send her my birthday list when I get out of school.

Oh, have I not told you? My birthday is coming up in a few days! I'm excited!! (Yes my birthday is actually coming up in a few days><)

I was listening to the twins conversation. I just didn't say anything. I get points for actually LISTENING to their conversation.

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ KANA POV ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

I was in my class reading comments of the last episode on my phone. I was also reading compliments. 'Watching it again, you can tell Kana Arima's performance is head and shoulders above the others.' and another one said.

'The performance of the two people who played as the stalker was super creepy and repulsive, but if you look closely their handsome and beautiful, especially the girl! She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen! So I don't know how to feel.'
(No lie you guys are beautiful/handsome!)

My eyes widened and then my mind drifted to. . . 'Y/N, Heat started rising to my cheeks. Y/N. . . am I into. . . GIRLS?!' Oh, I put my hand on my cheek and started reading more comments while thinking of Y/N.

Speaking of Y/N. . . She, texted me 'there's something important to discuss, so would you be able to meet up for a bit after school.' WHAAAAAAAA!!

My face was definitely FLUSHED

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ ★ ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

I walked down the Hall. And all I could think about was what Y/N texted me. 'What could it be.' 'She sounded serious' 'what is this all about?'

I went to the bathroom to brush my hair. Will she. . . Oh, boy. . . What?

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ Y/N POV ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

The sky was a beautiful orange. Finally Kana was here. Ruby had a bit of a attitude with her for being late. Me and Aqua didn't care. "Huh. . ." Kana deadpanned "Go wait until hell freezes over." She walked over to me and had a attitude as well. "Why are your siblings here?" Kana asked me.

"It's actually me and Ruby who wants to talk to ya". She went to the Bench and sat down and got on her phone. "Sorry but no."

"Talk about being blunt. . . AQUA! Y/N! If I ask her if she want to be an idol with me, aren't I technically saying she's cute enough to be one?! THAT REALLY IRRITATES ME!" Ruby exclaimed

"What's with that sense of pride?" Me and Aqua asked simultaneously. "You want to start being an idol as soon as possible, right. It's no time to be stubborn"

"Yeah true. . . Good point." I held Ruby's and and we walked to Cherry. "Kana Arima-san, would you like to be an idol together with us." Me and Ruby said together.

"Idol? Where's this coming from?" Kana looked off to the side. "Strawberry productions is working on putting together an idol group. And we are looking for members. I heard you are a freelancer, so. . . ."

"To be Frank we are technically scouting you." Cherry eyes widened at this "are you serious?" I smiled a bit "I'm serious. And this is important to Ruby and me."

"Give some time to think about it." Kana said. "Nah. It's a no for me. . . My main work will be idols gigs where the old is constantly giving way to the new. And if I don't find success as an idol, I'll be out of work on both fronts. As someone responsible for crafting her own image, the risk is to great."

Ruby's hair swayed in the wind and her eye shine. Mine is also probably shining. "I'm sorr-"

"I beg you, Kana Arima." Me and Aqua got on one knee. "Please be an idol with my sisters." "But I'm not all that cute in-"

My eyes widened. "Cherry. Who in the world said that your not cute? Your extremely cute. . ." I said "I feel that my precious sisters would be safe in your hands."

Kana stammered on her words and blushed at the compliments "I beg you. Please become an idol." "Please."

"I SAID NO!" She boomed "I'm placing my trust into you that you will take care of us Kana. . ." "Jeez! No matter how much you ask my answer will be no! I'll never do it!"
"Here's the documents, Welcome to strawberry productions. We'll give a warm reception."

"Intellectually, I know this a bad decision! Why am I always like this!" "Let's give this our all, Senpai."

Me and Aqua was at the side staring at the two. "I never imagined you'd actually get her to join. . . How'd you two pull it off."

"Nothing special. I just read her like a open book."

•┈••✦ ꧁ COMING NEXT ꧂ ✦••┈•

"I thought, tearfully pleading the girl would help her join! And sure enough, it sure as heck worked!! Perfectly. Luckily she didn't keep her answer which was no!"

•┈••✦ ꧁ . . . ꧂ ✦••┈•

'Why does this chapter look short?! What the f!!'

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