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*Umm. . . I-I don't really know what to say, so how about we just skip straight to the chapter. . . . And chat the next chapter! Well, if you actually read the A/N's that I make. If you don't that's fine. Oh yeah, I ran out of Marin Kitagawa maid gifs so enjoy these food gifs until I pile up on some more*

O/C: Outfit choice.

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ recap ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

*Y/N and Aqua really showed out last chapter didn't they? Their acting was amazing and now people are talking bout' how good the last episode was thanks to them!! And thanks to Kana for coming in clutch with the last part which was crying! I see them!! I see them!!*

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ Aqua's Pov ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

Everyone who helped out with the project at Oshi no Sushi, I think maybe taking in a celebration for completing the last episode out strong.

"Oh that actor made an appearance too huh?" I said with slight venom "seeing so many people around reminds me on how much people helped with the project." I was wearing a white turtle neck with black pants.

Kana was wearing a off-the-shoulder dress with a backwords v covering her chest. Everyone is here other then Y/N. She was still changing into a O/C. She said she will just ask Miyako for a ride.

I continued chatting with Kana and then as we we're on the topic about Y/N, she came through the door. She looked amazing, and beautiful. . .

After getting a drink she walked to our direction "Hey you two! Having fun? Don't seem like it." She smirked "Y/N! We were just talking about you." Kana beamed.

"Oh really? I'm hoping most of it was good. Or maybe all of it, but I wanna ask, why are you both just watching the other party?" Y/N asked.


"Anyways Aqua, Y/N, do you both have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" Kana asked. "Nope, so no scandals or any dirt on me." Aqua said. "Me neither." Y/N agreed.


"Thank you for hard work on making the show!" A random voice called to us. We turned our hands and saw a fairly pretty women.

"Ah, Sensei. . .!" Kana stiffened up a bit but then loosened "In my opinion it was your performance that carried the show, Arima-San." Kana gasped in shock from the sudden compliment. Sensei bowed her head a bit and thanked her.

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ Y/N's Pov ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

I was getting bored of this, and went outside all everyone was doing is just getting compliments anyways. So it doesn't matter.

I sat down on a near by bench and someone walked up to me. It was. . . A guy that looked pretty similar to Aqua. "Sir are you. . . Okay?" I asked "Yes, Just coming to ask you that, your sitting on a bench alone. . . Is that really safe for you?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Umm, well, for right now I'm fine, and I have some weapons on me if I someone does try anything. . ." I said emphasizing on 'someone'. "I see, quite smart, why are you alone though?" The man asked ". . . I'm not." I whispered but loud enough for him to hear.

I got up and turned around, still watching him from the corner of my eyes making sure he didn't try anything or try to get 'physical' with me.

The man smirked then turned around "Oh? Is that so? If that's the case, it was nice talking to you, Sana," My eyes widened in shock and I started shaking a bit "Hope we will be able to talk again some time." He finished then walked away into the darkness.

And I just stood there in shock, shaking profusely, I probably looked insane in others people's eyes, but at the moment. I don't care, I started breathing in and out. Then gained my composer, but still shaking just a bit, and swiftly walked inside the building and went straight to Aqua.

Aqua looked at me in worry, clearly he noticed that I was shaking. Frick. . . Please don't ask if I'm okay. . . Please don't ask if I'm okay. . . Please don't ask if I'm okay. . . Please don't ask —

"Hey Y/N, you okay?" NO! "Yeah I'm fine, just a little chilly. . . Ya'know?" He looked at me with slight suspicion, then nodded. "I think he actually believed me. . . Good riddance." I thought

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ Aqua's Pov ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

I don't believe her.

"She just came from outside, in the dark, and it's not cold. It might be different for her, but I doubt she's actually cold. I knew I should've followed her!" I grunted in anger.

Y/N looked at me, probably wondering if I'm okay. IS SHE OKAY!? Maybe she should worry about herself. But I can't be mad at her, she's just trying to be nice. As usual.
•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ ♥︎ ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

I did not expect for this chapter to be short, ngl. All well! Hope you enjoy.

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