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This was one of the best times of the year for you. Halloween! The best time for you to be aloud to wear anything you want without being questioned, sometimes!!!

"AQUA! RUBY! HURRY UP!" Today I'm dressing up as [Favorite character or aesthetic]! I made it myself! Ruby and Aqua have yet to see it. "We're coming
Y/N." Aqua was dressing up as demon.

"Wow Aqua! You look cool! I love the horns, I did so good on them! They surprisingly look good on you!" Of course I made the twins costumes too, Ruby pretty much forced Aqua to come with me and her.

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ flashback ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

"Aqua please come with us! It's gonna be so fun, and we haven't went trick or treating in a while!" Ruby begged Aqua with all her heart.

Aqua was reading a book and deadpanned at Ruby. "Ruby, I already said no, I'm gonna be busy." Ruby did a small smirked and scooted closer to Aqua, "But aqua, who's gonna help me protect Y/N while we're out?" She said

Aqua tensed up and closed his book and looked at Ruby in the eyes. Ruby smirked at his reaction and he just scoffed and got up. "Fine. But your gonna owe me."

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ flashback end ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

"Okay finished!! I look so cute!! Thank you so much Y/N for the costume! I look just like a popstar would!" Ruby exclaimed "Your welcome Bee!! Let's go tell Miyako we're heading out, and to show her our costumes!" I said

We walked into the kitchen and see that Miyako was about to plan on what to cook for dinner. "Ramen? No, Curry with Yakitori, yeah and maybe Mochi or some type of candy for dessert. . ."

"That would be good." Aqua said startling Miyako making her drop her phone. "Aqua." Miyako mumbled something under her breath in slight anger.

"Hey mom! We're heading out now to go and trick or treating." I said, Miyako only nodded and hummed a 'okay'.
•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ 3 hours later꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

"Ahhh!! Aqua my bag is starting to get heavy!! Can we make a quick stop please?" Ruby pleaded. "Okay, okay." Aqua said

"Can we go to that last house over there!! It's huge and beautifully decorated!!" I begged. "Okay, this last one and we might end up going home." Aqua said.

"Okay!" "alright. . . ." We went up to the huge house and there was cosplayers who dressed up as clowns. "Hey you three, so considering we have lots of stuff left and your the last people we're giving treats to, her have the rest." The women gave away all the candy she had left, which actually was a lot, to us.

"Woah! Thank you so much! Um, bye bye!" I said. "Thank you!" "thank you." Aqua and Ruby said.

Afterwards we went home and Ruby chowed down on her candy, while I'm saving mine, and aqua said he just might give me half of his since he might not finish it. How sweet. Lastly we had dinner, which was cute! It was mochi the had cute jack-o-lantern designs!

Oh nevermind! Not lastly, we also watched nightmare before Christmas (My Favorite Halloween movie😃) And other scary movies like the nun, 1 and 2.
•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ ★ ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

I know it's been a while but I would have felt bad if I didn't make a chapter for the holidays!! Sorry for it being kinda short!! Happy Halloween everyone, hope you guys get good candy, snacks, and ect!!!

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