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•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ recap ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

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•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ recap ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

I don't believe her.

"She just came from outside, in the dark, and it's not cold. It might be different for her, but I doubt she's actually cold. I knew I should've followed her!" I grunted in anger.

Y/N looked at me, probably wondering if I'm okay. IS SHE OKAY!? Maybe she should worry about herself. But I can't be mad at her, she's just trying to be nice. As usual.

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ Y/N POV ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

Me and Aqua was just watching and smiling at Kana talking to the maker of 'I'll take sweets today' and gaining compliments. Kana is just so cute! I love the way her eyes shined little while ago. It's just so sweet!

While I was staring at Kana, the director walked up to us "Hello there, Aqua-kun,
Y/N-chan. That last episode was well received." He stated proudly "Thank you." Me and Aqua wasn't really in the mood to talk with someone but it's the director. So whatever.

"Things were tough from an earnings standpoint, but the goal was to give talents like yourself an opportunity, and perhaps we reached that." The director explained with a proud smile

Me and Aqua just glared at him. It was silent for a few seconds until he continued talking again. Aqua submitted this guys cigarette bust for testing. Thank god we were not related in any way.

However. . .

"Your with strawberry productions, right?" He asked "Yes." We really giving short answers huh. "After all, I often saw her up close." He said

"Up close? What kind of relationship did you have with Ai. . ."

"We worked together when I was acting as an intermediary for fashion magazine models. After that, on top of sending her jobs her way, I looked after her in various ways. I introduced her to quality clients, recommend good restaurants and such when she was meeting up with a guy unbeknownst to agency, and so on."

I stopped listening afterwards and went to get more juice/water/soda, Aqua will tell me everything anyways.

"I don't mind telling you, but I want something in return. From the both of you." I paused so quick and turned around.

"You both have a beautiful face the resembles Ai-Kun's." He made a gun finger to me and Aqua. "How would you feel In a reality dating show."
•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ TIMESKIP ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

"Your still not ready?" Aqua yelled "Urg, Jeez Aqua, I'm coming. This uniform is cute, but it's also complicated!"

"But it sure is cute! Don't I just look amazing in it?" I said "Of course you do
Y/N." Aqua said and blushed lightly "You look amazing in anything Y/N!!" Ruby Exclaimed

"Don't be making us late on the first day. Isn't your skirt a bit to short?" Aqua asked
"Y/N doesn't he always sound like a old man?" I deadpanned at her then chuckled a bit "Not gonna answer that Question~~" I smirked

"Oh yeah, We're heading out now mom." I said as we looked at the picture with all four of us with. . . Ai. (Y'all remember this~~~😚🌸)

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ TIMESKIP ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

We were in the gym where a stage was and an announcement was being held by the principal I think? "For these next three; let us together—"

(Yeah just gonna skip that because it's boring.)

We was walking in the courtyard with nothing to do except talk. "So, for performing arts there's just class F??" I nodded and smiled "Yep. Let's walk together part way at least!" Ruby said in excitement.

We we're walking in silence for a second, But I've decided that I needed to address this. Let's talk about this glaring and possessiveness problem. They've been protective of me. Whenever we we're at middle school, elementary, or even pre school, they would glare harshly at others who came close to me.

And it's been worse every since Ai's death, I would have to go anywhere they go. They wouldn't even let me talk to teachers, without glaring at them. THE TEACHERS!

"Y/N, If someone hurts you, tell us, and we'll 'Deal' with them. Just don't go running to anyone else but us." Aqua explained "Yep, if anyone hurts you physically or mentally, we will make sure you won't see them again!" Ruby grinned

"Aww, thank you two, but I don't really–" "No no no, Y/N, with a fragile body, beautiful face, exquisite figure, and attractive personality, many people would want you to have them for themselves, but we'll make sure that you won't have a scratch on you!" Ruby just cut me off with her long ass sentences.

"And not to mention, You have soft skin, anyone would want to cuddle under you! We need to protect you!" Ruby exclaimed "But. . . Okay fine." I sighed. There was not point. It's not like they would change anyways.

"Congrats on starting school here, Aqua, Y/N! And, Ruby. . ." Kana congratulates us with a serious face. "Here at Youtou High, though the class schedule is more flexible compared to other high school,"

I did a long grunt and rolled my eyes back, I don't care!!!!!!!

"You'll still have to repeat a year if you get, failing marks or don't attend class enough, and the curriculum isn't that different neither. BUT!" She pointed at a guy walking past us "That guy there is an actor,"


She pointed at two girls laughing and talking "Those two are members of a leading idol group. And that girl with a big bust is a pinup model. There's a voice actor and streamer—"

"OKAY! Cherry, we get it. This place is full of idols and normal students." I Fussed
"Well out of all of the high schools in Japan, this one has the most people who're in the spotlight. I'll give you a warm reception, my juniors. Welcome to the world of show business."

We just started intensely at her.

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ TIMESKIP ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

We walked down the Hall with Kana, I was slightly nervous, normal school girls are VERY judgy so imagine going to a school with IDOL and RISING STAR type school girls. Pretty nerve racking, huh?

"This isn't training institution or a film studio– it's just a regular school. Just act as normally would."

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ COUPLE MINUTES LATER꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

Okay looks like I'm class. . . 2-F. . . Right beside Ruby's. We were standing outside of our door. Aqua and Kana already left to their classes so its just me and Her.

"Y/N. . . I'm gonna miss you. . ." She wailed silently. "Girl hush, we are only one class apart. But anyways, I'll miss you too maybe. Depending on how I feel." I opened the door to the classroom and saw that no one was in their seat. Wow, everyone here is so pretty.

I went inside then closed the door, everyone stopped and stared at me. . . "Hello??" It didn't take long before people started whispering and giving me stares. It went back to talking loudly after 2 or 5 minutes.

I went to a empty seat right beside a window to my left (Y'all know where I'm going with this???) and look to my right and see a girl is next me.


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