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A/N: AHHH! happy thanksgiving everyone!! I'm quite excited for today, and also just six more days before my birthday

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A/N: AHHH! happy thanksgiving everyone!! I'm quite excited for today, and also just six more days before my birthday. But back on thanksgiving, I hope you all have a wonderful dinner with your family and/or friends!

For this chapter it mostly revolves around Kana, and shows her relationship with Y/N. And Ruby and Kana fighting over Y/N.

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ KANA POV ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

'Today's Thanksgiving, awesome, but. . . My parents are pretty busy. . . Whatever, I'll just cook my own food.' As I was thinking I didn't notice the group chat Me, Aqua, MEM-cho, Y/N, and of course Ruby made.

^~"(Y/N)"~^: HEY!! what are
You guys having for thanksgiving?

✶・Aquatic・✶: Miyako is probably
Gonna make some Mochi or some
Cake for a dessert.

꧁♡•Ruby•♡꧂: Kana, did you give
Us unique usernames?

•÷[ MEM-cho ]÷•: What does that gotta
Do with thanksgiving?!

꧁♡•Ruby•♡꧂: Nothin'.

^~"(Y/N)"~^: Cherry, are you

✶・Aquatic・✶: Its pretty early it's 9:01.

•÷[ MEM-cho ]÷•: It's not that early.
At least for me. I wake up way earlier
Than that. ><

^~"(Y/N)"~^: What time do you likely wake up.

•÷[ MEM-cho ]÷•: At 6, just to do
Some finishing touches on editing.

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ KANA POV ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

'They all seem like their all excited for Thanksgiving. I could ask if I could spend my Thanksgiving with them but can I really do that? They already have family coming over, I don't wanna be just a friend over there.'

'Not only is it embarrassing but it would be extremely awkward. And then I wouldn't even be socializing. . .'

I stopped thinking when I looked at my phone to see that Y/N texted me not in the group chat but privately!

•• CHAT ••

^~"(Y/N)"~^: Hey. Didn't you tell
Me something about your parents
Being overseas?

Yeah but I think their
Coming over. I hope. . .

^~"(Y/N)"~^: Hey, you wanna
Spend thanksgiving with us?

No! I can't do that to you guys,
Besides, I don't wanna ruin your
Family time. . .

^~"(Y/N)"~^: No, we would love
For you to join us!

^~"(Y/N)"~^: I love having you around to! And I know Nobody would mind!

. . . Okay, see you there!

•┈┈┈••✦ ꧁ KANA POV ꧂ ✦••┈┈┈•

I was a blushing mess! I couldn't think straight!! She said 'I love having you around!' GAHHH!! she basically just said that she enjoys being my friend!!

'I have to dress good! to impress Y/N! But what should I wear?' I got up off my bed and went to my closet.

"Let's see. . . Red? Or black? But black is too dark. Red is. . . Nah, AH! PERFECT!!" I said out loud and picked a brown plaid dress and some white leggings.

I got dressed put on a scarf that matches the outfit, and lastly a brown fluffy beanie. I grabbed my bag and my phone and charger then put on some Mary Jane shoes and headed to Y/N place.

•┈┈••✦ ꧁ Y/N'S HOME ꧂ ✦••┈┈•

'Okay, I'm here.' I knock on the door and as soon as someone opened the door, I immediately started blushing when seeing who it is.

"Cherry-chan!! I'm so happy to see you actually came!" Y/N exclaimed excitedly and then. . . HUGGED ME!!

And of course her nosy sister came to the door to see who is there. . . Ruby.

Aqua walked up to us stating dinner was ready and glared at me for a bit.

"KANA?! You wouldn't answer our group chat, but can come over?!" What's her problem, I'm not a ACQUIRED to answer the group chat.

"Y/N offered me to stay at dinner since. . . Well. . ." "Oh, your family can't come over, I feel sorry for you and pity you, come in!" Ruby cut me off.

. . . WHAT THE FUDGE?! the audacity of this. . . This. . . BEACH! Whatever.

Ruby smirked at me a shadow held under her face as she glare at me. . . Is this her trying to hold a competition with me of who can get Y/N's attention the most? So be it, game on Ruby.

"Aww! Ruby thanks so much! Maybe you can actually become a idol one day with the attitude you have!" I sneered back.

"Beach. . ." Ruby muttered "Floor. . ." I muttered back. "Stop. Both of you." Y/N glared at me and Ruby. And dragged us both to the table where food is being set up.

"Okay everyone, Kana I am already aware that you were coming over from Y/N, I made some Mochi brownies and I also made some daifuku cakes!" Miyako said.

While we were eating the food we all got to know more about each other, Y/N's smiles were so enticing! Hours speed by like seconds. Y/N took a sip of her drink while I bit my lips. When she told a joke, I would literally choke. She was so cute!!

"Hey Kana you said you wanted to see me in my room right?" My mind went to the gutter then she said that. She made it sound like we're going to do something sinful!!

"Y-Yeah. . ." I stuttered, she gestured to her room. We walked to her room and she shut the door. "Y/N, between me and Ruby, who had your attention the most?" I was determined to win the competition!

"Oh probably you, I actually had my attention on you for a while, I always see Ruby and Aqua, so having you this thanksgiving was amazing!" She said

I blushed furiously and then it's like I loss control over my body and I. . . Kissed her. After that my brain started going again. "Kana. . . ." She whispered my name with wide eyes.

"Y/N! I'm sorry I—" Before I could finish my sentence she hugged me so tight. "Kana it's okay, I kinda enjoyed it." She gave me a kiss on my nose and then went out the room.


•┈••✦ ꧁ . . . ꧂ ✦••┈•


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