Chapter 21 - 30

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Chapter 21

    Bizhuyuan is a villa area located in Nanshan.

    A few years ago, when the real estate industry was still in decline, it was planned to build Nanshan into a small commercial area integrating residence, leisure and tourism. Some investors saw this opportunity and invested in this villa area first.

    Unexpectedly, after the villa was built, there was no news of other facilities. As a result, there were almost no other buildings in this area of ​​Nanshan except this villa.

    Many of those who bought villas here did not move here, and the occupancy rate was at most 30%.

    The house introduced by the agent is a single house with the highest location in the entire community. It can be seen that no one has ever lived in the house since it was picked up. The house is empty without furniture and curtains.

    The agent was also worried that Jiang Nuo would be dissatisfied, but he didn't know that Jiang Nuo wanted exactly this.

    The villa is rented and I will not come to live in it for the time being. It is too far away from the city, so it will be left unattended for a long time. Some people looking for supplies may find it here.

    If there is something in the house, the door will definitely be opened and raided.

    But if it's empty inside, no one will be interested.

    Signing the rental contract without hesitation, Jiang Nuo contacted the owner of the anti-theft door again to install the anti-theft door and bullet-proof window.

    The backup shelter during the earthquake and acid rain is basically done.

    On July 21st, there are still 24 days before the end of the world.

    Sleep and train during the day, go to practice diving in the evening, come out of the gymnasium, don't care about eating, and drive to the largest clothing wholesale market in the city.

    Water and electricity are cut off from time to time, business is bleak, and the wholesale market will be temporarily closed tomorrow.

    When Jiang Nuo passed by, he saw almost no customers, only people from various shops were packing up and counting the goods, preparing to close, and some shops were not open at all.

    Jiang Nuo directly called the truck to stop at the entrance of the wholesale market, and took the cart to receive the goods.

    She has already stocked up on underwear and shoes, so she will choose some that she can usually wear.

    According to her and Yu Ruohua's size, as long as it is comfortable to wear and easy to move around, I will buy it.

    She didn't need to talk about the price. Basically, the store directly gave the reserve price. At this time, some can be sold.

    "Business is too difficult. I don't know when it will rain in this damn day." The proprietress sighed and helped Jiang Nuo wrap all the clothes he bought.

    The wholesale market is huge, with a full fifth floor, and only one-third of the doors are open, which is enough for Jiang Nuo to shop all night.

    In this weather, down jackets and furs are basically broken prices, and Jiang Nuo doesn't pick styles, so he collects all the bottom of a store's stock.

    At the same time, buy wool quilts, cotton quilts, quilt covers, and pillows as much as possible. Although the consumption of these things is not large, it is always right to have some.

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