Chapter 391 - 400

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Chapter 391 Leave

    Tan Yuemin said again, "Tan Ling is very simple. She has never been in a relationship, and she would blush when she talks to boys. How did it come to your mouth that she was tricked by her boyfriend in the last days? She also sent us many photos, saying You hoarded a lot of supplies together... so many things, why did you only survive in the end?"

    He looked up at Li Meng, "Li Meng, tell me the truth, the so-called boyfriend is actually your man, and you bring The men killed Tan Ling together, right?"

    Li Meng's face was extremely ugly.

    This kind of assumption made her feel sick and want to vomit just by hearing it.

    The tall man was still adding fuel to the fire, "Tan Ling lived with you, she gave you the house, treated you so well, and hoarded supplies with you, she had no selfishness at all, and finally she died, You are living a good life, there is nothing tricky about it, who will believe what you say?"

    He didn't give Li Meng any chance to speak, walked up to her, pointed at her nose and cursed.

    "There are many whores like you in the last days. Do you think everyone has no idea? When you lied to people, you deliberately mentioned that Tan Ling left cleanly. I'm afraid it's not because of your guilty conscience, you are covering up something?" Li

    Meng Before his hand touched his own, he quickly pulled out the gun and pressed it against the tall man's heart.

    The expression on the tall man's disdainful face suddenly became stiff.

    He couldn't believe it, looking at Li Meng, and then at the gun on his chest, it looked like the real thing no matter what.

    "Uncle Tan, you should still remember what I do." Li Meng suppressed his anger and said to Tan Yuemin, "I said, don't force me to do it.

    " It’s the base, do you dare to shoot?”

    Li Meng sneered, “I won’t shoot here, but you know, I can shoot whenever I want, the base is so big, it shouldn’t be difficult to find a place to dispose of the corpses? I don’t want to die Don't mess with me!"

    she said as she loaded the gun.

    The sound of being loaded was so real that the tall man faltered immediately, and took a few steps back under Tan Yuemin's signal.

    Li Meng took out a knife from his vest pocket, and cut the rope that bound his father neatly.

    Li Guangyuan was already in poor health, and was tied up and knelt for several hours. His feet were so numb that he couldn't stand up at all. Fortunately, Li Meng was strong enough to support him and pull him up.

    She took a deep breath: "Get out!"

    Tan Yuemin seemed to be unable to hear, and stared at Li Meng's eyes, "Li Meng, what are you afraid of? I only want the truth.

    " My dad, let him kneel down and threaten me, do you care about the truth? He just wants to force me to give you an answer you want to hear!"

    Li Meng was furious, took out the nail gun with her left hand, aimed at the tall man and shot quickly .

    The spike pierced through the hem of the man's trousers, nailed to the ground with a click, and was deeply embedded in the soil.

    "This is the last chance, if you don't get out, I won't show mercy!" She looked at Tan Yuemin and used all her rationality to maintain a calm tone, "I didn't lie to you, Tan Ling died for her boyfriend, she I walked away very peacefully, I don't care what you think, but this is the end of the world, I'm not afraid of you at all, so why lie?"

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