Chapter 191 - 200

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Chapter 191 Wu Dahe Goes Out

    Jiang Nuo returned to the camp alone. At this time, the gray sky gradually became brighter.

    Looking at the time, it was almost 10 am.

    The later the dawn and the earlier the darkness, the shorter the day and the longer the night.

    Jiang Nuo closed the door, turned around and saw Wu Xiaojiang repairing motorcycles in the open space.

    She walked over, "Why are you repairing the car, where is your father?"

    Wu Xiaojiang focused on repairing the car, and then slowly raised his face when he heard her voice, "My father said that this car is very new and does not need to be repaired at all. , as long as the locks are unlocked, he asked me to fix them within two hours."

    Seeing the little girl buried in the side of the car with a serious face, Jiang Nuo thought it was quite powerful.

    The motorcycles were found in the container, and of course they were all new. In addition to the two cars, there were some accessories in the container. Jiang Nuo picked a few at random and put them together. This car was exported, so it should be Quite expensive, but the appearance is quite ordinary, seemingly ordinary, without the cool appearance in the movie.

    She searched and searched, but she couldn't find the key.

    In addition to the motorcycle, she also put 2 battery cars in. The battery cars were collected by the roadside, with obvious wear and dust. Now they are all placed together. It seems that Wu Dahe will use them to test his daughter.

    Jiang Nuo was still a little interested in car repair, so he asked Wu Xiaojiang, "This kind of car is good, but how to solve the situation without keys?"

    Wu Xiaojiang replied solemnly: "Generally speaking, you can hold the ignition switch, Come with a new key, but we don’t have a key matching machine now, and we are short of parts, so we can’t do it ourselves. So we use DC ignition or AC ignition now, and I’m going to use the AC ignition system. This motorcycle has two The locks are the fuel tank cap and the ignition switch. It is not difficult to make, but my father said that it must be done carefully, and the chain must not be dropped at a critical moment." While Wu Xiaojiang was talking, Jiang Nuo also listened carefully, and knelt down to look at

    her lock. operate.

    Being watched by her, Wu Xiaojiang was a little nervous and a little bit shy, but his movements were very skillful and nimble, and it seemed that he had done a lot of work.

    "Miss Jiang, look, first cut this black and white line short..."

    Jiang Nuo silently recorded her operation.

    Well, I learned another little skill.

    And when Wu Xiaojiang called "Miss Jiang" tenderly, Jiang Nuo thought of the critical blow that Yan Zifan's "Auntie" brought to her.

    Can't help but see Wu Xiaojiang more pleasing to the eye.

    Jiang Nuo rubbed her messy head, "That's right, you're so smart."

    Wu Xiaojiang blushed when he was suddenly praised, so he could only sink his head and continue working seriously.

    Jiang Nuo got up and went to find Wu Dahe.

    "After noon, drive to Wuxing Town and bring Li Meng back." She said, "Let her put aside the matter of the mushroom house and talk about it when she comes back."

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