Chapter 61 - 70

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Chapter 61 Smoked Duck

    Not only did the seeds not germinate, but the spring water they poured had no effect, but that was fine. The strange thing was that the soil in the flower pot was completely deserted, losing all vitality, and even the flower pot was disintegrating and disintegrating.

    It's as if the seed is absorbing all the vitality around it, spreading from the soil to the flower pot, and if left alone, it will even continue to spread.

    Jiang Nuo's scalp went numb, and he quickly put the flowerpot into the space.

    In the space, she manipulated the flowerpot with her consciousness, trying to take out the seeds, and then just touched it lightly, and the whole flowerpot quickly dissolved like quicksand, leaving only a silver-white seed in the end.

    And this kind of seed is still the original appearance, without any change.

    It seems that it is impossible for space creatures to grow outside. It needs a lot of nutrients. If this seed is kept there, Jiang Nuo suspects that it will directly suck the vitality of everything around it.

    This destructive power is too great.

    But Jiang Nuo didn't dare to use it as a weapon. There are too many unsolved mysteries. Who knows if it will be wrong to take advantage of others, and it will become a sharp sword against himself in the end?

    She secretly made up her mind not to easily bring out the creatures in the space in the future.

    Only space is where they live.

    "Xiao Nuo, drink some soy milk."

    At this time, Yu Ruohua brought in a cup of soy milk, and seeing Jiang Nuo's serious expression, he asked, "What's the matter? Stomach pain?" "

    I'm not a child." Jiang Nuo smiled She smiled, "Well... I was thinking about Li Meng. I looked at her expression, she seemed to be unable to cook, and she didn't know how to handle 10 ducks." "I'll teach

    her how to do it." Yu Ruhua said, "To make smoked duck requires a lot of processes. If you rub too much salt, it will be too salty to eat, and if you don't rub it too much, it will spoil. It is not easy to make it delicious. It's not easy to mess with it casually."

    " Are you willing to teach her?" Jiang Nuo asked.

    "What's the matter with teaching, I don't teach, how can you teach? Letting you mess around, isn't that a waste of food?" Yu Ruohua handed the soy milk to Jiang Nuo and motioned her to drink it while it was hot, "I see, she and you Almost, he looks smart and capable, daring to fight, but he is too young, so he is confused in life, what can he do without an elder to advise him?"

    Jiang Nuo thought about it for a while, and felt that what his mother said was reasonable.

    Not in a hurry to sleep, she took her mother to the 35th floor.

    Li Meng also just finished his meal, and was staring at the 10 ducks. When he saw Yu Ruohua at this time, he undoubtedly met his savior.

    "Hey, Xiao Meng, have you never killed a duck?" Yu Ruohua quickly rolled up his sleeves.

    "No." Li Meng shook his head. He used to buy ready-made ones from supermarkets, so he would kill them himself. "But I know the general steps, bloodletting, scalding with boiling water, and then plucking... Is that right?

    " Ruo Hua weighed Li Meng's kitchen knife, picked up a porcelain bowl, and sharpened the knife on the bottom of the bowl, "Xiao Nuo, go and help boil the water. Be careful not to boil the water, just pour it hot. Xiao Meng, Follow me."

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