Chapter 401 - 410

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Chapter 401 I don't want to come again

    Jiang Qin lay on the bunk and slowly opened her eyes.

    Jiang Nuo looked at her and said, "You follow the convoy, someone will take care of you."

    Jiang Qin nodded and said hoarsely, "Thank you, I will get better soon."


    Jiang Nuo finished speaking, Just go back to your car.

    There is a lot of planning and preparation. At present, everything in the team is in order, and she doesn't need to stay for too long.

    She opened the car door and said to Yun Yao, "The next step is to go deep into the inland. It will be too inconvenient to go to the beach in the future. I want to go to the beach to catch some marine animals and store them as fertilizer. You have to come with me." She

    paused After a pause, he said, "Let's go now, go early and return early."

    The motorcade arrived at the fifth rest stop, and arrived at a completely unfamiliar area. After walking forward for a few days, we diverted from Tankou, and the motorcade officially headed for Daxing ridge.

    There is no longer a base on the way, and the safety factor is greatly reduced.

    So before the fifth rest stop, she has to rush back.

    "Okay." Yun Yao said lightly.

    After eating, Yu Ruohua looked for Jiang Nuo everywhere.

    In a blink of an eye, she was found standing by the car, talking to the car with a smile.

    Yu Ruhua didn't care at first, and walked forward and said, "Xiao Nuo, where are you going to sleep?"

    Jiang Nuo turned his face, "I have something to do, so I won't be with the team, but when I come back, I will Those who are watching you in the dark, wait until Ling'an County, and then formally meet."

    Yu Ruohua nodded, almost supporting her daughter's decision, and without asking any more questions, she glanced into the car and saw Yun Yao .

    The interior of the car was very dark, only the nearby firelight came through, and that light cast a flickering shadow on the outline of his face. His eyes were very quiet, like the ink shadow of the distant mountains, which was impressive.

    "This is the owner of Bian Mu, named Yun Yao." Jiang Nuo introduced the situation, "This is my mother."

    Yun Yao has always been very unreasonable, Jiang Nuo thought it was just a nod at most, but unexpectedly he got out of the car suddenly and stood in front of Yu Ruohua very politely.

    He didn't feel it when he sat there, Yu Ruohua didn't expect him to be so tall, and his neck was a little sore.

    But as an elder, how could he not like polite children? Yu Ruohua immediately found it very pleasing to the eye.

    "You are the master of General Bian? You are afraid that you are not his brother, why do you look so similar?" Yu Ruohua said, looking at Ha Mei and Bian Mu in the distance, he couldn't hide the thought of proposing marriage. "General Bian and our sister Ha get along very well. We play together every day and we have become good friends. Don't worry."

    Jiang Nuo: ...

    "Yes." Yun Yao nodded, "I know.

    " Ruohua said a few more words, knowing that they still had something to do, so he didn't say any more, and only asked Jiang Nuo to go back early.

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