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May 3rd 1978
Fifteen years ago..

"Dawn, where are you going?" A sharp voice asked from behind her as she tried to slip out of the common room unnoticed. The girl didn't particularly want to be caught out leaving by her friends because she knew it would raise questions. But alas she knew she never particularly had the talent for sneaking around.
The red head turned around to look at her friend, Jane Malibu, who was staring at her with a dissapointed look on her face.

Jane Malibu was easily Dawna's best friend. The blonde was quite literally the definition of beautiful with sky blue eyes and a tanned complexion. She was pretty much all curves which was unlike Dawna herself who was tall and stick like.

"I'm going to meet Liam." The taller girl admitted, averting her gaze ashamedly and Jane rolled her eyes but waved her off. Jane hadn't approved of her sort of blossoming sort of relationship with 6th year Liam Powley and it wasn't because he was older then them but because Liam was weird and Dawna couldn't deny it.

Liam was a Gryffindor and it showed more then the obnoxious house colours which she couldn't lie and say she liked. The 17 year old was loud and not James Potter loud, that was endearing especially when he made a show with Lily Evans in the great hall. He was annoyingly loud and never shouted anything coherent or anything that made sense and if anyone had eyes they could see he tried way too hard to be liked by all of his peers. Dawna didn't like him either to begin with when he started his shw of affection six months ago but they started talking and he was actually an okay person beneath the whole loud Gryffindor show he put on and no matter how sweet she made him out to be, Jane always pursed her lips in dissapointment. Plus he was attractive aswell, cropped but fluffy blonde hair and green eyes that were actually green and not a bluish green or greyish green. But the stem of a daisy green and Dawna had questioned multiple times if they were fake, they weren't

"Be careful." she heard Jane shout to her as she left.
"Always, Mi Amore!" Dawna called back as the barrels spun back into place behind her with a series of comforting clicks.

She began the trek towards the Gryffindor tower to meet Liam. They'd been seeing eachother for the past six months and Dawna had finally felt ready to lose her virginity to him and that's what the pair planned on doing tonight. Dawna loved him, so much.

She got just before the moving stairs to begin her ascent to the Gryffindor tower when she felt her bones crack and after a searing pain which left her temporarily blind, she was suddenly closer to the floor then before and she almost jumped at the noise of her wand clattering to the floor beside her.

Dawna was an unregistered animagus. She'd read a book about it in her 3rd year and began the difficult process of becoming one and she was beyond happy when she'd swapped into a cats body. One that if you looked hard enough you could see the resemblance bwetween herself and the cat.

She wasn't too happy at the moment as, one, she hadn't wanted too change, her body had done it unwillingly. Two, she wasn't sure what she was going to do with her wand. She couldn't carry it around. Dawna didn't know why she changed and she couldn't change back when she tried but she was sure it was only temporary. She hoped it was only temporary. So she pushed her wand behind a nearby statue and made a mental note to remember to grab it on her way back before she bounded up the stairs to the Gryffindor tower.

She got around the corner from the common room and willed herself to transform back after making sure no one was watching and it wouldn't work. She spent twenty minutes trying but she couldn't. Her heart was slamming against her chest painfully in a panic and she poked her head around the corner and as he said he would be, Liam was stood by the painting fiddling with his wand. He looked da lottle worried but also slightly annoyed. Dawna had never been late too meet him before and truthfully she wasn't really. She was right there.

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